Sarah Maloy
Member since July 2017Contact Sarah- Director of Content Marketing Adaptly
- http://adaptly.com
- Twitter: @smaloy
- New York New York
- 10011 USA
Sarah is a journalist and marketer specializing in social and content strategy. Currently the Director of Content Marketing at Adaptly, she has also managed digital and social marketing strategies for brands like Fuse, Shutterstock, and Billboard.
Articles by Sarah All articles by Sarah
- How Vertical Video Is Transforming Social Advertising in
Digital News Daily on
As recently as five years ago, vertical video was the enemy of the internet. A "Say No to Vertical Videos" campaign was launched in June 2012, producing a meme, 8 million video views, and dozens of news articles that all seemed to agree on one thing: Vertical video was the worst. Fast-forward two years, and CNET put out an article in defense of vertical video. Sort of. Titled "They're stupid, but it's not your fault," the piece wasn't so much in favor of vertical videos as sympathetic to users who insisted on capturing them. Still, the format was gaining ground. Three years later, and we can't imagine a world without vertical video. It continues to grow year-over-year, with advertisers embracing the video style that all of their customers are already using.
- How Quickly Will Marketers Transform Video Advertising With Virtual Reality? in
Digital News Daily on
With virtual reality bringing new dimensions to users' screens, marketing is no longer about showing your customers a product or idea. It's about immersing them in it. Virtual reality adoption is rising, but the industry is challenged by a lack of compelling content that will appeal to a wide audience.

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