by Anto Chittilappilly on Jul 21, 2:55 PM
Though recently there has been criticism of the single-currency model, a single currency drives standardized measurement across your company. Standardized and accurate measurement drive more effective optimization. And effective optimization helps you buy the right media to give you the best returns for your marketing spend.
by Josh Chasin on Jul 17, 2:46 PM
One of the long-standing assumptions in audience measurement has been the notion of currency - and more to the point, of a single currency. I learned about the one-currency model in a very real way working at Arbitron in the '80s and '90s. We won one single-currency battle: spot radio measurement, where we competed with Birch Radio. And we lost one: spot TV, where we competed with Nielsen. But I'd like to offer a radical opinion. In the digital age, multiple transactional media currencies can, do, and will continue to exist. Indeed, they need to exist.
by Sherrill Mane on Jul 7, 2:10 PM
The spring season of industry conferences, upfronts and Newfronts is starting to become a distant memory as we run headlong into summer. This year, many of the issues and themes that recur every year were back again. But this year, perhaps more than ever, there's a sense that real change is upon us. Measurement, metrics and data have never been more important - nor more in the spotlight.
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