by Matthew Westover on Sep 30, 2:27 PM
As marketers look to extract the most useful insight from their data to enhance targeting and campaign performance, there's an under-leveraged metric that they should consider: velocity. Recency and frequency have been important targeting levers for digital marketers for quite some time. Frequency is a good indication of general interest, and recency indicates that someone is in the buying cycle. But velocity goes one step farther, letting you drill down deeper to gauge the shifts in a prospect's interest level.
by Terry Kent on Sep 23, 12:53 PM
Wall Street investors call it "momentum investing": the strategy of placing bets on trends already taking shape, in the assumption that those trends are likely to continue and influence events moving forward. It's a concept that could help divine the direction of media and advertising. Current ad expenditure trends serve as a valid basis in applying "momentum investing" theory to media. Ad money being spent today will undoubtedly influence what is likely to occur moving forward. So using the most recent full year data on U.S. ad expenditure from Kantar Media, what does the concept of "momentum investing" suggest about …
by Anto Chittilappilly on Sep 16, 12:18 PM
The two highest grossing in-store and online shopping days of the year are just around the corner. Last year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday wrapped up with record online sales, supported by strong growth in mobile use by consumers. Going into 2014, these critical selling days can make or break a brand's financial performance for the entire year. However, consumers behave differently during the Black Friday-Cyber Monday period than they do at other times of the year. So how can marketers use the latest metrics to adapt to this changing behavior?
by Sherrill Mane on Sep 11, 12:14 PM
It is Fashion Week in New York City. And, to coincide with this whirlwind marketplace of fashion, the IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence just released "Fashion on Phones: Mobile Readiness of the Women's Wear Daily Top 100 Brands." Stunningly, the research found that a full 17% of the top 100 fashion brands do not have a mobile-optimized website. That 17% includes brands that regularly grace the pages of Vogue and Elle, such as Versace and DKNY, as well as those that are mainstays of fashion, like American Apparel, Reebok and Danskin.
by Michael Iantosca on Sep 2, 8:32 AM
These days, all marketers (and plenty of tech companies) are talking about attribution, and with good reason. Every CFO wants to know how digital advertising expenditures translate into new revenue earned. But that begs the question: What's new revenue? If your digital advertising initiatives target consumers who would convert anyway, is that revenue really new? More importantly, if you could focus your ad dollars on consumers who are more likely to be influenced by them, how much more revenue would you see?
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