by Michael Perlman on Sep 30, 11:45 AM
The impact of online piracy is massive. According to a report from CNBC, online piracy results in a loss of $16 billion in lost revenue on an annual basis. Content owners not only want to quantify the impact of online piracy on their business performance, but also want to uncover trends in consumer behavior as it relates to this content. Who is most likely to engage with online content? Do they engage with legal content online?
by Anto Chittilappilly on Sep 27, 4:00 PM
Media mix modeling is typically delivered as a distinct "snapshot in time" project, and not an ongoing, iterative process. It is, in effect, setting your direction by a compass and driving off the road the first time the pavement turns. This method, of course, is not the best scenario for arriving safely to your destination.
by Sherrill Mane on Sep 20, 1:15 PM
As part of their joint initiative, "Making Measurement Make Sense," The ANA, the IAB and the 4As, have issued five Guiding Principles of Measurement -- and will soon announce how those are going to be implemented.
by Anto Chittilappilly on Sep 16, 10:30 AM
In "A Chevy Convertible & Attribution: Both Offer Top-Down Technology," I used the analogy of a convertible car to describe "top-down" attribution. This month let's extend the car analogy -- this time right from the driver's seat -- and discuss the need to be equally skilled at using both the rear-view mirror AND the windshield to be an effective driver.
by Omar Tawakol on Sep 9, 10:15 AM
Data has real monetary value. Many publishers are beginning to realize that their audience asset can be monetized beyond the few minutes a consumer spends on their site. However, wherever there is real monetary value, various forms of skimming and cheating may follow. As a result, many data users are trying very hard to get access to this data without having to pay for it In other words, it should be called "data with benefits." To help the industry stay vigilant, here are five of the more popular skimming scenarios to look out for:
by Mark Hughes on Sep 6, 3:30 PM
Every brand needs metrics that matter. It's a simple fact of modern marketing and the fast-paced, fact-based media culture we all live in. But just as every brand has its unique value proposition and even digital DNA, each has its own metrics that matter. It's a huge universe. And while digital marketing has some serious measurement issues to overcome in order to accelerate the brand dollars migrating online, standardizing the metrics that matter is not one of them.
by Bill Wise on Sep 1, 3:15 PM
If I had to grossly oversimplify the experience/metrics arguments in advertising, I'd sum it up this way: if you're concerned with experience, for you the most important thing is sharing a great story in an engaging way. If you're concerned with data, you're only interested in sharing stories that you can tie to sales. It's a familiar tale. But two news stories from last week underscore how metrics are changing -- and why the new metrics are building great experiences, not undermining them.
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