by Anto Chittilappilly on Apr 12, 1:11 PM
Historically, most marketers have assumed that only companies with significant marketing budgets could afford moving to an advanced measurement approach without taking a hit to their bottom line. But that's not necessarily the case if companies are considering the bigger picture.
by Charlene Weisler on Apr 5, 3:38 PM
ComScore, known in the industry as the expert in digital measurement, which is taking an aggressive cross-platform position with its acquisition of Rentrak, also recently announced a measurement deal with Viacom and partnership with Adobe. I sat down with Andrew Lipsman, comScore's VP of marketing insights, to get his perspective on all of these recent advancements in conjunction with comScore's efforts at perfecting the calculation of true digital ad performance.
by Josh Chasin on Apr 1, 10:07 AM
Sometimes I worry that we digital cognoscenti can get so lost in the magic and elegance of all these awesome algorithms and Big Data assets, that we forget to take a step back and ponder the bigger picture: the actual people out there on the other side of all those myriad screens.
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