by Tim Altier on Dec 20, 1:27 PM
Maybe it's counterintuitive, but the better the data management, the better the emotional connection with the customer. A data dive into a customer's history, purchase habits and channel preferences is like a treasure-trove that can be utilized to enhance the connection with the customer. And the beauty of that enhancement is that you're building a foundation for future purchases and even brand advocacy. Building a data management system that is streamlined for sales conversion and customer engagement isn't a simple proposition. Here's a proven set of guidelines for managing data for maximum conversion:
by Sherrill Mane on Dec 14, 11:49 AM
As I thought about the different ways this column could close out 2011 and ring in 2012, one topic stayed top of mind: Making Measurement Make Sense (3MS). In addition to 3MS, there are a few other central themes that will surface in 2012. Without further ado, here's a checklist of metrics solutions and issues to follow in 2012.
by Josh McFarland on Dec 9, 2:57 PM
Online shoppers are more distracted than ever. As the count of e-commerce and comparison shopping sites on the Internet expands daily, an e-retailer's job of attracting and retaining customers becomes even more difficult. This fierce competition online has left online retailers grappling with how to convince shoppers to buy at their site over competitors'. Fortunately, there are strategies online retailers can use to reach their most valuable customers - and it all starts with using a resource all retailers have, but few understand: their own customer data.
by Bill Wise on Dec 6, 2:11 PM
A lot of the metrics conversation revolve around computational issues -- questions of what data we have and how we can use it best, or how we can create proxies for data that we're missing. Obviously, the computational discussions are critical. But often, the computational discussions ignore the fundamental problems we face in actually making the metrics feasible: the problems in technology and operations that stand between a smart media community and a truly efficient one. So in the interest of having that complete conversation, I wanted to spend this piece exploring the major operational challenges that media metrics face.
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