by Anto Chittilappilly on Nov 17, 6:03 PM
Although this is a critical time of year for marketers in many industries, retailers face a unique set of challenges when it comes to holiday metrics.
by Josh Chasin on Nov 11, 4:14 PM
Lately it seems as if every article I read about digital advertising is about viewability, fraud, or ad blocking. "No one's seeing my ads!" "Robots are seeing my ads!" "Robots are blocking my ads!" It's enough to make the casual reader think the sky was falling. I'm starting to think we're all collectively guilty of "burying the lede": that digital advertising works, persuades consumers, moves products.
by Sherrill Mane on Nov 5, 11:23 AM
Throughout the transition to the viewable impression as the core currency of digital advertising, many issues have come up. One subject that has not been addressed sufficiently, however, is the critical link among ad and/or revenue ops, measurement science, and research. It is the combination of the skills, talent, and drive of individuals working in these disciplines that enables better measurement.
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