by Judah Phillips on Feb 29, 10:45 AM
That's the first question to answer when determining strategy for using online metrics. You should be able to answer in 10 seconds. If you don't know, or if key stakeholders can't agree on your site's purpose, then you are unable to use online metrics efficiently. And, worse yet, you are missing chances for improving your business performance.
by Josh Chasin on Feb 26, 1:15 PM
Arguably the biggest story in online metrics in 2007 was the fact that both NetRatings (now part of Nielsen Online) and comScore's Media Metrix commenced the MRC audit process. In fact we at comScore began the process in 2006, with the pre-audit; but we entered the formal audit phase in September 2007. I think that there were three major headlines associated with this news; let's look at each one.
by Jim Sterne on Feb 22, 11:45 AM
Your Web server generates a great deal of information. It creates logs. Mountains of data are collected in your server logs every day. The assumption is that this information is generated to help you determine how well you're doing. Nice thought, but not the case.
by David L. Smith on Feb 19, 10:15 AM
Last week I wrote about the International Conference on Online Media Measurement (I-Com ). I promised that I'd finish this up this week.As mentioned, a major point of discussion was the MIA project which is the Worldwide Audience Currency System (WACS). They are talking about not a single currency but transparency between. Like $ for yen or gold for oil.
by Kevin Mannion on Feb 15, 11:16 AM
In my first two articles on engagement metrics, I discussed the need for a new approach to measuring Web data, to defining engagement, and developing a set of criteria for measuring the complexity of audience interaction. In the last of this three-part series we will look at using this engagement model in a way that can guide online media strategies. Three questions come into play: how does this engagement model work in practice, who will produce and verify the data, and how can publishers and advertisers collaborate to yield actionable intelligence?
by David L. Smith on Feb 12, 10:30 AM
Actually, I am back in San Francisco today, but I could not resist the title! The question is, if you are a regular reader of Metrics Insider, why weren't you in Barcelona for the International Conference on Online Media Measurement (I-Com) last week?
by Kevin Mannion on Feb 8, 12:00 PM
For advertisers to be successful with online campaigns, it is crucial to have a knowledge of how an audience engages with a Web site. Right now there is much disagreement about what engagement entails and therefore how to measure it. If we consider some of the complexities involved with engagement we can see that a single engagement metric just won't do. But with a nuanced understanding of all the flavors of engagement, marketers would be a in a strong position to know how to most effectively advertise to an audience.
by Josh Chasin on Feb 5, 11:15 AM
Last week I was meeting with a client (Hi, Marlene!) when we started talking about the demographic composition of an entity's audience for Unique Visitors (UVs), as opposed to Page Views (PVs). As you can imagine, when you're chief research officer at comScore, you go to a lot of meetings where clients want to talk about... how can I put this delicately... let's just say, when they love their numbers, they seldom call.
by Judah Phillips on Feb 1, 1:00 PM
In late 2007, the Digital Video Barometer Executive Survey indicated that more than 80% of media and entertainment executives believe tracking, measuring, and monitoring Internet video content is critical to bottom-line profit. That's not surprising. Accurate measurement informs decision-making and improves business performance, and Internet video is more mainstream and popular than ever before. What may be surprising to those executives is that technology for measuring Internet video generally focuses on video content served on-site, not off-site.
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