by Anto Chittilappilly on Oct 27, 11:58 AM
Impressions and rating points are good indicators of how many people saw your TV ad, but how does it influence individual consumer behavior? Consumers take action online in response to seeing your ad offline. But which types of TV ads trigger the greatest response? To ensure you're getting the most accurate answers to your questions, make sure your TV attribution methodology does the following:
by Josh Chasin on Oct 22, 3:01 PM
What would a video measurement system look like if one were to zero-base such a solution today, with the tools we have at hand, given the measurement challenges we face, while unencumbered by legacy systems?
by Josh Chasin on Oct 16, 4:52 PM
One of the long-standing assumptions in audience measurement has been the notion of currency - and more to the point, of a single currency. I learned about the one-currency model in a very real way working at Arbitron in the '80s and '90s. We won one single-currency battle: spot radio measurement, where we competed with Birch Radio. And we lost one: spot TV, where we competed with Nielsen. But I'd like to offer a radical opinion. In the digital age, multiple transactional media currencies can, do, and will continue to exist. Indeed, they need to exist.
by Sherrill Mane on Oct 8, 4:02 PM
Last week at the IAB MIXX Conference, I had the pleasure of leading a spirited discussion on UX (user experience) measurement. Historically, in the media business, the consumer has - or should always have - been at the center of every decision about content and advertising. In the digital age, that idea has real-time relevance. Technology enables real-time collection of behavioral and biometric data that tell us about the user experience with an interface.
by Anto Chittilappilly on Oct 2, 11:53 AM
Recently, I was talking to the CMO of a large brand who expressed his frustration with the current state of brand marketing measurement. He wants to prove that his brand marketing dollars are having an impact, but believes that traditional tools and methodologies lack the ability to do so with the accountability his company demands.
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