by Anto Chittilappilly on Mar 26, 4:26 PM
One of the latest trends in today's digital marketing ecosystem involves the intersection of Big Data, marketing attribution and programmatic media buying. It's a trend that provides a glimpse of a future where the media buying process is much more efficient, and produces results far superior to traditional buying methodologies.
by Victor Malachard on Mar 15, 6:11 PM
As mobile advertising specialists, we depend on the work of our data scientists. They're the ones who figure out exactly what our data can do for us, by applying algorithms that unlock immense value for us and for our clients. But what exactly do data scientists do? Does their day consist of diving into deep blue oceans of data, swimming among shoals of algorithms and algebraic coral? Do they pick away at a rock face of solid data, to find diamond insights compressed over millions of years? Do they surf data? Do they juggle it? Tame it? Ingest it? Given …
by Josh Dreller on Mar 5, 12:02 PM
Big Data is more than just a physical presence on a server. It requires a change in thinking, as comScore chief Gian Fulgoni hammered home in a recent blog post. If your marketing organization isn't prepared to accept and leverage the Big Data that's accessible to your business, chances are your competitors will. So how does one prepare for, and align their organization to be more data-driven? As with many challenges, the first step is identifying the roadblocks before considering a solution.
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