by Pat LaPointe on Apr 26, 4:30 PM
Given the power and potential of social media as a marketing tool, there is considerable interest in understanding how it interacts with traditional media as part of a broader mix. There is a considerable amount of work going on in this area across a broad spectrum of social miners and digital pathway attribution seekers. But sometimes you can be too close to something to see it clearly. If you're looking for the social media interaction from within the realm of the digital world, you may see "patterns" in the data that seem to establish relationships, but are in reality collinear …
by Chen Wang on Apr 22, 11:00 AM
It is a shame that after so many years of advancement in digital media planning and buying, it is still such a pain to pull USEFUL reach and frequency-related stats from ad servers. Granted that major ad servers like DoubleClick or Atlas all feature reports that would give you reach frequency numbers in some forms. Unfortunately useful insights you can glean from their standard/free offerings can be quite limited. If the standard reports on impressions, clicks, conversions are the benchmark of what a campaign report should look like, reach frequency reports fall far short of that standard in two areas:
by Anto Chittilappilly on Apr 19, 4:45 PM
In Part 1 of this article I discussed how today's more sophisticated online consumers -- coupled with today's more multichannel marketers -- have created a marketing ecosystem where the traditional definition of "lag time" is no longer sufficient. Simply put, limiting one's analysis to the time between the last interaction with an online display ad and an eventual conversion, is like putting blinders on -- effectively ignoring other "time factors" such as:
by Judah Phillips on Apr 15, 1:30 PM
Digital analytical evolution over the last several years should no longer support a focus only on the linear flow of acquisition to conversion to loyalty. The devolution of the "funnel" metaphor (are we not measurers?) makes sense because of the complexity of the digital and non-digital ecosystem, which has a multitude of customer touchpoints that lead to value-generating customer performance. Do you believe the linear "funnel" is insufficient? Is it really a "tumbler"?
by Josh Chasin on Apr 5, 3:45 PM
Recently the IAB, the AAAA, and the ANA have joined forces in an initiative called "Making Measurement Make Sense" (MMMS). If you're reading this column, chances are that isn't news to you. I'd been meaning for a while now to use this space to provide a measurement company perspective on MMMS. So here it is.
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