
Who Do You Trust?

According to the first ExpertVoice Consumer Trust Panel, presented here without editorial interruption, only 4% of consumers trust celebrity endorsements, while 83% trust the recommendations from friends and family. In today's overcrowded marketplace, consumers are searching for trusted recommendations before making a purchase, says the report.

The consumer panel investigated …

4 comments about "Who Do You Trust?".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, June 27, 2018 at 12:34 p.m.

    Jack, once again, this type of highly generalized and impressionistic study has little information that can guide advertisers. Take the question of using celebrity endorsers as an example. doesn't it all depend on who you pick and whether that person seems credible as an endorser for a specific product or service? Or do we assume that just because a sample of people, asked to rate endorsers in general, said that they have little trust in "them", that this means advertisers should shun this time honored approach---which works about as often as it doesn't?  It has always been true that for many products a recommendation from a family member or 'friend" is very important and, often, can be decisive in getting a consumer to try a product he/she is not familiar with. Nothing new there. But from an advertising standpoint, this kind of research does nothing to disuade a marketer who wants a lot of visibility for an ad campaign as well as a positive impact from using the right endorser---providing such person can be found at an affordable price.

  2. Delia Smalter from Women's Choice Award, June 27, 2018 at 2:53 p.m.

    Ed, I agree it really does depend on who you choose and their "trust value" to the customer. Our research with women came up with similar results and we found that our influencer community can vary in results from impressive to dissapointing, that's why we spend lots of time connecting our brands to the blogger that will best serve that brand. And in order for a blogger to become a Women's Choice Award Influencer they need to go through a "trust test" and demonstrate great engagement and loyalty. Another way to influence a purchase is at retail. We are experiencing impressive results with our award program at Walmart. Goes to show that validation is what consumer want - not to waste time or money.  

  3. Nick Stagge from ExpertVoice, June 27, 2018 at 4:21 p.m.

    No doubt, celebrity endorsements can have significant value within a marketing mix. Dior has successfully worked with celebrity Charlize Theron to build brand recognition and associated imagery. Steph Curry has had tremendous impact on Under Armor's basketball shoe sales.

    However, as the consumers buying journey evolves they are looking for specific recommendations on what to buy. Consumers are overwhelmed with top of the funnel advertising (and for good reason), but they crave support throughout all phases of the buying journey.

    As marketers - we must recognize this shift and find a way to credibly move a consumer through the point of consideration and towards purchase.

  4. PJ Lehrer from NYU, July 6, 2018 at 10:24 a.m.

    Since all decisions have become tribal, both friends and family - who are identified as key influencers here and celebrities who are not, are driving decisions, despite trust issues.   

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