AT&T Confirms Data Plan Requirement

  • August 24, 2009
AT&T has confirmed that starting Sept. 6 it will mandate that customers using a smartphone will have to subscribe to a data plan. That means no more using your iPhone just for making calls while appearing techno-savvy. AT&T said the vast majority of its smartphone customers already have data plans for email, mobile Web access and using applications. But it wants to bring the holdouts along to increase their own customer satisfaction by not having to worry about fluctuating phone bills. It also happens to fit with the wireless carrier's goal of boosting revenue by increasing mobile data usage.

Current customers who already have smartphones without data plans will be able to stick with their current plan. The AT&T data plan costs $30 a month and applies to iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Symbian and Palm devices. --Mark Walsh

2 comments about "AT&T Confirms Data Plan Requirement".
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  1. Mark Towfiq from FanSnap, August 25, 2009 at 10:22 a.m.

    AT&T is a GSM service and as such, inherently allows users to switch between devices. How does AT&T decide/know what device a person has?

  2. Steve Dunn, September 3, 2009 at 5:16 p.m.

    What a ill fated decision. Greed is a bad thing and AT&T won't learn until they loss their customer base. AT&T, look at your customer satisfaction numbers.

    Stupid and counterproductive!

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