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NY 'Times' Election 2012 App Launches -- And It's 'Linkbloggy"

Is the New York Times' new Election 2012 iPad app the first-ever Times product to aggregate news stories from other sources? We're not sure, but Joshua Benton thinks it's "noteworthy" that "one of the current top items in the app isn’t a New York Times story at all," but "a one-sentence summary of a[n] L.A. Times story on Sarah Palin." 

He continues, "I can’t think of anything else as linkbloggy that the Times has ever done. It’s telling this is happening on the national politics beat, which is both a space where the Times invests heavily in coverage and perhaps the space where the Times faces the most vigorous competition, online and off."

Um, we're not exactly sure what "linkbloggy" means, but we think we get the general drift -- links-oriented, right? Most like a blog?

Read the whole story at Nieman Journalism Lab »

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