Pandora Connected TV Extends To Xbox, PS3

Pandora announced a new browser-based version of its music service for the living room it touts as designed “from the ground up” for TV and the remote control. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are the initial devices to support, but the company plans to expand the new HTML5-based offering to compatible smart TVs and set-top boxes in the coming months.

To date, more than 10 million people access Pandora through connected TVs or set-top boxes. But that effort has required the development of customized integrations for each different TV model or related device.

To counter that fragmentation, the company is pushing Web-based standards to speed up innovation and consumer adoption of connected television.

“The world doesn’t need more proprietary platforms fragmenting the innovative efforts of developers everywhere,” wrote Pandora CTO Tom Conrad in a blog post today. By focusing on the “10-foot” experience with its new TV interface, Pandora says navigation and controls are tailored to the big screen. Users can pause, play, skip and vote tracks up or down as on the desktop or in mobile.

1 comment about "Pandora Connected TV Extends To Xbox, PS3 ".
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  1. Peter Benjamin from MyOffices, June 5, 2013 at 7:18 p.m.

    Can't you get Pandora and other services by going to the url? I thought that was a given. Its amazing how little the story tells about the implications of the TV aspect of Pandora's entry. They seem to have a trojan horse approach going here. Could Pandora TV be the next frontier .

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