Self-serve platform dataxu said it named Peter Kosmala to the newly created role of vice president of platform solutions. Kosmala is tasked with growing the company’s self-serve business, which targets agency customers.
He'll report to Ed Montes, chief revenue officer.
Kosmala brings more than 20 years of marketing experience to the job. Prior to joining dataxu, Kosmala spent more than five years at the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4Aa) as senior vice president of government relations. He also served as the first managing director of the Digital Advertising Alliance.
Kosmala has also worked for the Network Advertising Initiative, internet holding company CMGI Inc., and has held business and creative roles at EURO RSCG/MVBMS Partners and Wells Rich Greene/BDDP.
“Peter brings an intimate knowledge of the market, specifically the issues that agencies face today, from his recent experience at the 4As,” Mike Baker, dataxu CEO and Co-founder, told Digital News Daily.