
Most-Read MediaPost Stories Of 2022

The most-read article published by MediaPost in 2022 was Richard Whitman's Feb. 7 "Mediapsssst" column about The Lincoln Project's "They Don't Respect You" campaign presaging how the GOP has sidestepped the twice impeached former president, and is eyeing new blood like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

"The ad is a Trump taunt-a-thon from start to finish with two narrators," Whitman wrote, adding: "The first makes a point like “They just don’t respect you.” The second voice, in a stage whisper like something out of a 'Chucky' movie, punctuates the assertion: 'They never did.'"

The second most-read was equally horrifying: Adam Buckman's Aug. 22 "TVBlog" about Bill Nye "The Science Guy" Peacock show about the end being a little nearer than we all might like.

Sadly, I only had three articles ranking in the top 10: Two "Red, White & Blog" columns (see related year-end analysis here) and my Jan. 20 Media Daily News story about Sports Illustrated magazine accepting ads for its annual swimsuit edition only from advertisers promoting gender equality.

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