- Email Marketing Daily - Friday, May 29, 2015
- Gmail Has 900 Million Users
- Inbox App Now Open to All Users
- IRS Tax Platform Hacked
- Mood Fabrics Increased Conversion Rates by 14% Thanks to Automated Email Program
- Salesforce Opens Wave to Big Data Partners
- As Marketing Transforms, Will Email's Role Change?
- Email Marketing Daily - Thursday, May 28, 2015
- Yahoo to Face Class Action Suit Over Yahoo Mail Practices
- Email & Facebook Among Words Dying Out Among Kids: Study
- How Jeff Bezos Handles Customer Complaint Emails
- Tagatoo App Wants to Make Email More Efficient
- Readdle to Launch Email App for iPhone & Apple Watch
- Yahoo Must Face Privacy Class-Action For Scanning Emails
- As Marketing Transforms, Will Email's Role Change?
- Email Marketing Daily - Wednesday, May 27, 2015
- GoDaddy Launches Email Marketing Tools for SMBs
- Salesforce Likely Won't Be Sold
- State Department Proposes Staggered Release Program for Hillary Emails
- Cuomo Drops Email Purge Policy
- Only 23% of Email Subscribers Actually Open Emails
- Email Marketing Daily - Tuesday, May 26, 2015
- Instagram Sending Out "Highlight" Emails
- Instagram Turns to Email to Reengage Users
- New Spam Threat Aims to Hack PoS Systems Via Fake Resume Email Attachments
- Bank of England Uncovers Secret Investigation With Email Slip Up
- Google Kills Stock Email App on Android Devices, Emphasizing Gmail App
- State Department Releases Hillary Emails Over Memorial Day Weekend
- Email Marketing Daily - Friday, May 22, 2015
- Verizon Email Outage Resolved
- Alabama Legislature's Email Server Hacked
- New Orleans Mayor Uses Gmail For Most Email Communications
- Cuomo to Hold Summit on Email Policy, But No One is Going
- The Three Email Rule
- Email As Discovery Tool? Try It, You'll Like It!
- Google Losing To Facebook In Mid-America Small Towns
- Email Marketing Daily - Thursday, May 21, 2015
- Nigerian Spammer Sentenced to 3 Years in New Jersey Prison
- Herman Cain Rents Email List to Survivalist
- 1.1 Million CareFirst Customer Files Stolen by Hackers
- State Department to Release Clinton's Emails in the Coming Days
- Evernote Chief Equates Checking Email to Fighting Zombies
- The Future Of Email Has Arrived With Open-Time Personalization
- Email Marketing Daily - Wednesday, May 20, 2015
- Judge to Decide if RadioShack's Email List Can be Sold
- Lawsuits Are Springing Up Over After Work Email Obligations
- Microsoft Flow App to Enable Quick Email Conversations on Phones
- 84% of Marketers Say Email is Critical to Loyalty
- What Verizon-AOL Deal Could Mean For Email Marketers
- Charities Suck Because They Think Digital Consumers Have 'Doormat' Written On Them
- Most People Doubt Web Companies Will Keep Data Private
- Email Marketing Daily - Tuesday, May 19, 2015
- State Department Won't Release Hillary's Emails Until 2016
- Retailers Can Take 6 Months to Detect a Data Breach
- British Oil Company Hack Exposes Phantom Spam
- Hillary Clinton Had a Second Secret Email Address
- PennDOT Warns Consumers About Spam Email
- Retail Engagement Trends
- Email Marketing Daily - Monday, May 18, 2015
- Microsoft Clutter Helps Users Better Manage Their Inbox
- Shuffle Now Lets You Create a Burner Email Address
- Lavaboom Turns to Crowdfunding to Raise Money For Encrypted Email
- The Targeting Behind Nigerian Price Emails
- Kansas Governor Caught Using Personal Email Address For Official Business
- What Coupon-Cutters And Email Marketers Have In Common
- Email Marketing Daily - Friday, May 15, 2015
- Apple Watch Delivers Plain Text Emails
- 80% of Consumers Can't Spot a Phishing Email: Intel Security
- Google FTC Email Exchange Reveals
- USPS Warns of Spam Outbreak
- Nine Years, 200 Columns - And More to Come