As Streaming TV Rises, DVR Penetration Slows

DVR penetration in U.S. homes is slowing down, according to a new study.

Leichtman Research Group says that 47% of all TV homes have at least one digital video recorder (DVR) -- up from 40% three years ago and 23% from six years ago.

Most homes with DVR machines are provided by a multichannel TV service: 55% of homes that subscribe to cable, satellite, or telco have DVRs. Four percent that did not have multichannel TV service have DVRs.

In those homes that have a DVR, 70% also have either a subscription to Netflix or a video-on-demand service from a cable or telco TV provider. (Satellite TV companies don’t provide VOD services.)  Of these homes, Leichtman says 23% used two or three services (DVR, Netflix, VOD); 11% use all three.

The study notes that 61% of all cable subscribers have access to a VOD service, versus 43% in 2008 and 10% in 2004. Also, 62% of digital cable subscribers and 57% of telco TV subscribers have used VOD in the past month. Netflix users watch, on average, 19.6 TV shows per month.

The annual income of those using a DVR, Netflix and VOD is $96,900 -- which is 90% above the mean income of those who don’t use any of these services.

The U.S. telephone survey came from 1,253 adults ages 18 and older, including 152 mobile phone calls, during October 2013



1 comment about "As Streaming TV Rises, DVR Penetration Slows".
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  1. Michael Greeson from TDG, December 10, 2013 at 6:09 p.m.

    This phenomenon was first documented in a 2012 study the TDG did, and validated yet against in 2013. Who needs a DVR when you can get (almost) any content on-demand, whether through operator or online VOD?

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