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Advertisers Looking To Expand Into Programmatic TV

  • Beet.TV, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 4:40 PM

Many advertisers are aiming to expand their programmatic buys into TV this year,” writes Beet.TV, citing Todd Gordon, EVP of Magna Global.

“It’s natural for clients having success in programmatic to want to extend to TV where most of their ad dollars are going,” Gordon says to Beet.TV.

Beet.TV also notes that Gordon contends Magna clients are “already using the agency’s advanced TV product to do this, and the agency expects continue growth in this area this year.”

Read the whole story at Beet.TV »

1 comment about "Advertisers Looking To Expand Into Programmatic TV".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, October 9, 2014 at 9:29 a.m.

    So how many millions---or billions???---of dollars are Magna clients spending on programmatic TV buys right now? Common, Beet.TV, let's add a few journalistic-style questions to this illuminating story. For example, which advertisers are making this transition? Certainly, if they are really enthused with automated TV time buying, they wouldn't mind talking to a reporter and answering a few more substantial questions----like what forms of "TV" are involved, what dayparts, network./channel types, etc.? Also, it might be interesting to find out how much of an "improvement" is gained by the programmatic approach and, by the way, have the advertisers encountered any ----dare I say it----"problems"?

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