
Bolthouse Farms Challenge Aims To Drive 1M Fruit, Vegetable Images Posted Per Day

Produce brands seem to be on the march (perhaps appropriate, given the month).

Along with last week's launch of the Partnership for a Healthier America's celebrity-studded campaign for fruits and vegetables (now branded "FNV"), there was news of produce and other organic brands taking on misleading "natural" claims and non-organic …

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  1. Melanie Kaupke from ASU, March 4, 2015 at 12:54 a.m.

    I have never heard of Bolthouse Farms, but I think this is a great campaign to promote healthy eating and lifestyles. I for one am not an avid user of social media, with just an occasional post here or there with maybe a hashtag or two, but nothing too much. I think it is incredible to hear that 1.7 million hashtags happen every day just about food, that figure alone shows the massive amount of time people spend on social media, and how much they want it to reflect their lives to their friends and 'followers'. People that do post a lot of things do it for the purpose of showing their peers what they are doing, and promoting health is a great way to give yourself a boost of self esteem to show off to friends. I also agree with a statement made in the article, seeing healthy food, just like seeing people being active, makes me want to eat healthy and be active. I may even make my own healthy hashtag this week on my Instagram to be part of this challenge!

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