
Pill For Low Testosterone Gains Traction Via MangoRX, Hero Campaign

Marius Pharmaceuticals is making a marketing push for Kyzatrex, which last year received FDA approval as an oral prescription capsule for men with low or no testosterone levels (hypogonadism).

On Wednesday, it was announced that Mangoceuticals will market Kyzatrex under the brand name “Prime” via its MangoRX D2C telemedicine platform. Launch date is anticipated on Jan. 31, Mangoceuticals said.

“Prime” will join hair growth product “Grow” and erectile dysfunction drug “Mango” in the MangoRX lineup.

Separately, Marius is urging men to “Be the Hero of Your Life Again” in new Kyzatrex brand messaging.

So far, the brand’s “hero” message -- showing an ecstatic man watching the rising flames of his outdoor barbecue -- has appeared as the hero spot on Kyzatrex’s webpage, on the brand’s Instagram feed, and as signage at a Marius trade show booth.



But the brand tells Marketing Daily to expect “a full suite of print, digital, video, and social assets,” targeted at both consumers and healthcare providers.

Developed by Schaefer Advertising in Fort Worth, Texas, the campaign’s concept will be used for “a consistent, branded, long-term campaign,” according to a spokesperson.

Marius says that testosterone deficiency is a chronic disease that affects a man’s total health, but that recent clinical studies have shown 96% of men taking Kyzatrex achieve normal testosterone levels after 90 days.

The company cites research showing testosterone deficiencies in some 20% of adolescent and young adult males, and nearly 40% of those over the age of 45.  The Rethink Testosterone site notes that symptoms of low testosterone include not only low sex drive, but fatigue, weight gain, depression, poor cognition and trouble sleeping.

"Too many men are silently suffering the daily effects of testosterone deficiency, and we want to change that narrative by empowering them to be their own hero,” Shalin Shah, Marius chief executive officer, said in a statement released one week ago today. 

“Be Your Own Hero” follows the July launch of ‘Rethink Testosterone,” an educational/awareness initiative from Marius that includes a website, podcasts, and videos.

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