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Google Unveils Video App For Gmail

Just in time for the recession, Google on Tuesday unveiled a free browser plug-in that allows Gmail users to conduct voice and video chat with other Gmail users. The plug-in requires an Intel-based computer running either Mac OS X or Windows XP or Vista, a Web cam and/or a microphone. It works with Firefox 2.0+, Internet Explorer 7.0, Safari 3.0 and Chrome.

According to Google, Gmail is now the first Webmail service to include video chat. "We think this pretty significant," Rajen Sheth, senior product manager for Google's enterprise group, tells Information Week. "It's something that we see bringing people closer together, especially in a business context." Indeed, video chat could become a handy replacement for companies cutting back on travel expenses. "It actually is something that can help people, especially, in tough times, to save money," Sheth said. "It makes it so you can do face-to-face meetings without travel."

Information Week points out that the Gmail video chat uses about 300 Kbps in both directions, which means that Google should be able to easily develop a mobile version for Android and other phones.

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