Maria Bailey
Member since March 2009Contact Maria- CEO BSM Media
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Maria Bailey is an 8 time author and CEO of BSM Media, the leading Marketing to Moms agency. Maria is a trendsetter and thought leader. She is the author of "Marketing to Millennial Moms", "Trillion Dollar Moms" and "Marketing to GenZ Mom." She runs the largest Mom Influencer network, MomSelect, and MommyParties.com, an in-home marketing company. Her expertise Marketing to Mom, Millennial Moms and Influencer Marketing is recognized by Ad Age, Wall Street Journal, CNN, New York Times, Billboard Magazine, as well as hundreds of other media outlets. She is the creator of Disney Social Media Moms, Huggies MomInspired and Beaches Social Media on the Sand and helped launch Zhu Zhu Pets. In her spare times she runs marathons (27 and counting.
Articles by Maria All articles by Maria
- Winning The Mom Vote Could Determine Who Wins The Presidency in
Marketing Insider on
When asked to rank what quality is the most important in a president, surveyed moms said primarily the person should be a problem solver.
- How to Sell To Moms In September in
Marketing Insider on
For one, sell moms a solution rather than a list of features, and present options that align with their lifestyle.
- 5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making With Influencers in
Marketing Insider on
For one: Confusing an influencer with a content creator.
- Merry Christmas In July: Ready For The Start Of Mom's Shopping Season? in
Marketing Insider on
It's going to get noisy as the presidential election heats up, which may require marketers to pause their holiday tactics in late October and early November.
- 5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making With Influencers in
Marketing Insider on
For one: Confusing an influencer with a content creator.
- Moms Are Early Adopters Of AI in
Marketing Insider on
In a study of 500 moms, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z who have at least one child under 18 at home, an astounding 54% of all moms said they're are using AI daily.
- 5 Common Mistakes Brands Are Making With Influencers in
Marketing Insider on
For one: Confusing an influencer with a content creator.
- Dads Are The Wrong Target For Mother's Day Marketing Campaigns in
Marketing Insider on
Sound surprising? Actually, 80% of mothers in the U.S. purchase a gift for one or more other moms in their life, according to research.
- Marketing To Today's Grandmas in
Marketing Insider on
Surprise! Fewer of today's grandmothers are babysitting, and Nona, Nana to Gigi and GaGa are replacing the historical "granny" title.
- Meet The Gen Z Mom in
Marketing Insider on
The oldest of the Gen Z cohort are now becoming moms -- and their buying behaviors and attitudes are different from millennial mothers'.
Comments by Maria All comments by Maria
- Meet The Gen Z Mom
Maria Bailey
(Marketing Insider on
Research done in conjunction with my newest soon to be released book, "Marketing to Gen Z Moms."
- The Secrets Behind How Millennial Moms Buy Lawn Mowers
Maria Bailey
(Marketing Insider on
Thank you James for your comment. You are right due to word count I had to restrict the amount of research I could add to the article I probably should have cited that these insights are confirmed by a larger body of research in my book, "Millennial Moms: 202 Facts to Build Brands and Drive Sales." I'd be happy to provide you more numbers if you want them. Just to add to the article and based on over 3000 Millennial women, 90% of Millennials consult reviews prior to purchasing a product. Amazon is typically the source. 66% of Millennials say email is a source of deals and coupons for them and they appreciate emails with deals. I look forward to sharing more in my new book, "Marketing to the Gen Z Mom" coming out this Fall.
- Unilever Bans Influencers Who Buy Followers
Larissa Faw
(MAD on
Great article Larrisa. Agencies need to do a better job screening influencers as well. It doesn't take a lot of work to determine questionable growth in followers.
- 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Working With Millennial Mom Influencers
Maria Bailey
(Engage:Moms on
Hi Judy, you are correct that Pinterest is a huge playground for moms and an excellent resource for social listening. It's the source for the Mason jar example in Tip #2. I offer solutions to avoid these common mistakes within the content above; search online playgrounds for influencers, become a social listener to identify moms talking about your product or brand, look at a bio/About section to identify offline influencers and finally, give influencers with smaller numbers a chance. They're often more interested in an authentic relationship that will prove more valuable in the long term. I hope this helps clarify your comment. Thanks for your feedback.
- 5 Mistakes To Avoid When Working With Millennial Mom Influencers
Maria Bailey
(Engage:Moms on
Hi Steve, thanks for your comment and the link. You are absolutely correct that bloggers (we like to call them influencers) must disclose their work, including monetary and product compensation. It is incumbent on agencies to communicate the necessity for disclosure, as the FTC would look to the bigger fish in the chain! I appreciate the share.
- Moms Spending Big Money On Connected Toys For Their Kids
Maria Bailey
(Engage:Moms on
Hi Laurie, thanks for your comment. The survey size was 300 moms in the U.S., 178 children (ages 4-18, majority of respondents in kids survey - 54% - were in the 7-9 year old range). More survey results are available that I'm happy to send you. Email me (maria@bsmmedia.com) to request a copy.
- Alpha Moms, Tiger Moms And Me -- The Accidental Influencer
Maryanne Conlin
(Engage:Moms on
I love seeing you use the term Power Moms. My newest book is titled, Power Moms. I think that marketers need to look at moms thru numerous lenses.
- The Eight Truths For Talking To Alpha Moms
Kimberly Jackson
(Engage:Moms on
I agree that Alpha moms are the target but marketers need to remember that every subset of mothers have alpha in their group. There are alphas in groups of Beta moms in fact. Alpha is best definited as the influencer or mavens in each subset of mothers. It's also important to remember that an alpha mom for one product is not always an alpha mom for another. For example: a fitness alpha mom would not be an alpha mom for a fatty food product. Know your the alpha moms you need to target and then apply the great suggestions Kim has made here.
- Moms Can Put the 'Happy' in Holiday Sales
Maria Bailey
(Engage:Moms on
Melissa have you seen this article regarding the move downward in age of the brands you mentioned. Moms of all ages will have to run from the malls! http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2010-10-11/business/sc-biz-retail-children-1012-20101011_1_aeropostale-clothes-branding-experts
- New Year, New Trends
Maria Bailey
(Engage:Moms on
So sorry that some non-BSM Media were cut due to space. Here's some you might want to check out: NightAgency did a great program with moms using video for PurexInsiders called "Sheet Happens". Method did a great job bringing local moms together with a series of mom mixers last year in homes stock with their products. Huggies did a fun campaign with video in which they enlisted local moms to be city hosts to their Huggies mobile. What I've learned from a decade of being in the mom space is that I tend to test trends I believe will be taking with my own brands and clients before proclaiming them trends that work for all. Once I've seen success firsthand I then feel comfortable sharing them with the world. It's my science background at work! Thanks for your interest.

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