More Proof That It's The Media, Not The Creative
    Years ago when I was at K2 Digital, the company's CEO Lynn Fantom taught me about how traditional direct marketers isolated the variables in their DR campaigns to determine which were most critical to success.
    Demographics Don't Say All That Much
    The Digital Divide gap is closing. It's evident. So many people have called or written to ask me my take on the Hispanic population online. They want to know is it a market they should tap into?
    Cross Media Ownership - The Tail Wagging the Dog is Already Too Big
    Of all the many views I've read against the proliferation of cross media ownership that the recent FCC changes could foment, the best resides within the example of Viacom.
    Grass-roots Politics... Without the Grass
    We are all familiar with the folkloric image of the grass-roots politician going door to door, asking to speak to the man or the woman of the house, and then delivering a home-spun, front-stoop speech to advocate their candidacy.
    Flighting The Internet
    When our planning teams develop a media recommendation, there is a list of key elements that need to be considered prior to the final presentation and one of the most important elements is Flighting.
    Gaping Holes at the Local Level
    A few weeks ago, I was just getting ready to turn in for the night when I heard a loud noise come through the window of my apartment. It was one of those noises that people living in New York might have dismissed as background noise pre-September 11th, but I took notice of it and ran to the window to see what was going on.
    Protect the Net
    Just when you think our lives can't get any harder working in the online biz... Have you heard the news? The Internet is said to be swarmed with hacker activity yesterday through day's end today.
    It's Always Something...
    All sorts of organizations are out there to find out what is wrong with this thing or that. Even if a problem has not been expressed, somebody's going to get others to see a problem. This time, it's paid search...
    More Record Industry Musings...
    Since you will hopefully be taking some personal time, I thought I would take this column to comment on a personally interesting issue. Once again, the topic is the music industry and specifically it is Pearl Jam (who if any of you know me very well, is my favorite group).
    Who's Overpromising Now
    In talking to many of my buyer friends outside the realm of interactive, I've been hearing the same old tale: Broadcast is underdelivering. Generally, I'm not hearing that the number of spots is a problem. Rather, I'm hearing that TV is seriously underdelivering audience.
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