Display Ad CPMs Won't Recover
    I'm hearing from a number of folks that the cost-per-thousand (CPM) rates for online display ad impressions are taking a big tumble this quarter -- buzz that comes on top of the fact that display ad rates have been sliding for the better part of the past year and a half. If all this talk is true, it's very bad news for companies that depend on premium pricing of display ads to pay their bills, whether they are premium content publishers, display ad networks, or companies that supply technology and services to Web publishers.
    The Next Big Thing?
    "What's the next big thing?" That's the question I hear the most from people every month. Everyone assumes that our business is based on the next "big thing," and they need to know about it before everyone else. But I'm here to ease your tension; the next "big thing" is not a "big thing" at all, but rather a series of "little things."
    Model Of An Engagement-Based Agency?
    I have made no secret of my love affair with engagements as a baseline metric for digital media. Engagements provide what marketers are looking for at the most basic level: that people are actively paying attention and that they are ready, willing and able to receive a marketing message. Even better, engagement means that marketers are leveraging not only sight, sound and motion, but the all-important fourth element unique to new media, interaction.
    The Widening Role Of The Super-Producer
    Regardless of which stretch of the media industry one occupies, the identity and esteem of a producer has always been pegged on credits. Which credits you can count, how the money and decision-making flow in relation to your desk -- all make up a producer's standing. This is true in film, TV, events, multi-media; credits are literally your creds and your professional stature. Unfortunately, the path to clear-cut credit is not always so straight. Especially in film and TV, there are politics and intangible currencies at play. There is constant tension in making sure producers are properly credited for their …
    Let Beached Whales Die
    The New Scientist is one of my favorite publications -- especially its online version. It's also where I find many counterintuitive gems -- eerily metaphoric of big issues elsewhere. Consider its recent report on beached whales: "Large whales that strand themselves should be killed, as any attempts to save them are probably futile and likely to cause more suffering, according to animal welfare specialists."
    Congress Opens Up New Front On Digital Privacy Issues
    It's privacy time again. A new era of scrutiny into the consumer data collection and privacy practices of the Internet and cable industries has opened as Rep. Rick Boucher (D-VA), chairman of the House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet, held hearings on the issues this morning in Washington, D.C.
    5 Steps To Effect Change In Online Advertising
    Our business was built quickly, on a model for print rather than TV -- but it's obvious that model is changing, and the standards and infrastructure of online advertising need to change with it. Over the last 15 years I've learned that to effect change you need follow some key steps. It's not enough to issue a press release and make a big noise; you actually have to provide value, considering certain factors to gain traction. To that end, here are my five tips for effecting true change in online advertising....
    Will P&G Lead The Way In Social Media By Reinventing Soap Operas?
    For brands, doing social media right will be about telling stories. It will be about blurring the lines between advertising and content. And while there will be an opportunity for brands to attach themselves to stories people choose to share, it's even better when brands help by getting those stories started. This means taking advantage of an old-school marketing playbook: the soap opera.
    Susan Boyle As Parable: Our Hunger For Mighty Metaphors
    Countless many were enraptured last week by the sneaky vocals of Susan Boyle. Watching the video that ignited the Internet and conversation everywhere, it was those who had the opportunity to see the astonishment moment by moment and either identify with or dissect this social study, whose reaction is most interesting. By the end of the week, after millions of views, it was not just about the sweet talent. This whole thing had become a parable. It's not that it necessarily signified or even portended anything particular to our business realities -- but we do love our analogies and metaphors, …
    Why Inventing Matters
    The best and most inspiring ideas often come from people outside your periphery. That's why we hold Interesting Café at our startup, Clickable. It's a community discussion led monthly by a different interesting person, who provokes and shares wisdom through a personal story. Last month, we hosted Garrett Brown, Oscar-winning inventor of the Steadicam. Garrett shot with this game-changing instrument on nearly 100 movies, including "Rocky," "The Shining" and "Return of the Jedi." I'd like to share highlights from an interview during his visit. Garrett's gems are valuable to anyone who develops solutions to problems -- meaning everyone.
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