by Tig Tillinghast on Dec 20, 12:00 AM
Trent Lott - who reportedly stepped down from his post this morning - turned out to be the greatest boon to BET since Jacque Reid. This brings up the tantalizing idea of getting other networks and websites securing exclusivities with other politicians likely to draw in crowds of supporters or rock throwers.
by Cory Treffiletti on Dec 18, 12:00 AM
During some discussions last week a concept emerged that resonated with a number of people… maybe our industry should be pitching the Internet environment as the best medium for continuity within an advertising campaign?
by Jim Meskauskas on Dec 18, 12:00 AM
Well, folks, we did it. We’ve made it through another year of challenges and have survived intact, if a bit worn around the edges. But, hey, some of my most comfortable clothes are worn around the edges. Chances are that if you are reading this, you’ve made it through 2002 and you are the better for it.
by Tom Hespos on Dec 17, 12:00 AM
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been writing about planning tools and why we need them. This week, we’ll talk about some of the products offered by Atlas DMT.
by Tim McHale on Dec 16, 12:00 AM
Though what MSN is promoting in their new print campaign is certainly attractive, how some companies interpret what “retention” means in their e-commerce based practices is increasingly becoming a perception vs. reality issue.
by Tig Tillinghast on Dec 13, 12:00 AM
You thought Time Warner shot itself in the foot when it merged with AOL at the peak of its bubble valuation? Just wait. It’s about to fire again, this time quite a bit higher.
by Jim Meskauskas on Dec 12, 12:00 AM
Let’s not distract ourselves with how to model a new medium so that it can work with old media at the expense of just what it is the new media is capable of.
by Cory Treffiletti on Dec 11, 12:00 AM
As 2003 creeps upon us and 2002 becomes nothing more than a chapter in a history book, the overwhelming feeling seems to be one of optimism for the future. The economy appears to be slightly recovering and most advertising budgets seem to be predicting solid growth. There are definite signs that the industry is poised for a rebound. Here are some of them.
by Tom Hespos on Dec 10, 12:00 AM
I promised that I would take this week to let readers know about the tools that companies like DoubleClick, Atlas and others are bringing to the table. As it turns out, there are many companies actively developing tools for interactive media planners – so many that I may take the next couple weeks to tell you all about the tools currently available and what’s on the drawing board. Here goes.
by David L. Smith on Dec 8, 12:00 AM
The writing I do produces a lot of learning. And it does not always get the response I expect. (Which is good). This article, my last of the year, will recap some of the things that I have learned from articles published in the first six months of 2002. Here goes.