by Joe Marchese on Jun 2, 1:15 PM
It has been some time since Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "The medium is the message." What McLuhan meant is well stated in the Wikipedia entry: "...the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived." Today's successful marketers are taking into consideration McLuhan's statement and combining it with a new media fact: People are the medium.
by Kendall Allen on Jun 1, 11:45 AM
For an entire period within digital, there has been a serious move to organize around and get smart on multicultural marketing. On the agency side and internally within brand organizations -- we organized for it, designated directors of it -- and certainly started to buy and sell media with multicultural audiences in mind. We always knew who to go to within our agencies to get driving insights, market intelligence, a helping hand with retooling a plan. It always seemed awkwardly compartmentalized.