The Etiquette Of A (Mature) 17-Year-Old
    Can you believe the Internet advertising business is 17 years old? When kids turn 17, they typically go off to college and try to "find themselves." Depending on how they were raised, these 17-year-olds are either well-mannered or an utter mess. I would like to think that I was well-mannered, but I'm sure I had my moments. My question to you is: If you had the chance to sit back and think introspectively about the Internet advertising business for a moment, what would you think about?
    Will Olbermann And Current TV Define A New Model?
    As big as the news is that Keith Olbermann is going to CurrentTV, it seems the biggest opportunity may be Current's pledges to innovate on how digital distribution will complement broadcast distribution. Much of the debate on putting premium content online has always ce
    AOL + HuffPo: Quick Trip To The 'Future of Content'?
    As I sometimes do, upon getting up in the middle of the night to chat with my dog Bruce, last night I peeked at my buzzing iPhone on the kitchen counter. (No, I don't keep it on the nightstand. I prefer sleep when it's time to sleep.)When I make this jaunt to the kitchen, I never know what kind of alert might await me. Well, this time it was all HuffPo. I must say I was somewhat jolted to sleeplessness.
    Scaling The Unscalable: How to Go Big and Stay Personal
    Last week, we discussed the unscalable power of personal attention. It's a lovely topic -- if you're not planning to scale. Lots of us, however, are involved with projects that are bigger than our personal brands, with corporates comprising thousands of employees or with startups that are aiming no lower than global domination. In these instances, should we just ignore the personal? Answer: it's a trick question.
    Saluting the Iron Man of the Online Ad Industry: Dave Moore
    On Tuesday, the Interactive Advertising Bureau announced the transfer of its chairmanship from Dave Moore, founder, chairman & CEO of 24/7 Real Media, to Bob Carrigan, CEO of IDG. Today, online advertising is an established part of the media mix for almost all consumer marketers in the U.S. and Dave Moore is a big part of the reason why. He is not only a swimming, biking and running Iron Man, he is our industry's Iron Man.
    When Did AOR Become A Four-Letter Word?
    Have you noticed the average tenure for an ad agency relationship is not much longer than the average tenure of a CMO? The average CMO seems to last about 18-24 months in that role, and the average agency relationship seems to be about 24-36 months. Somewhere along the way, the term "AOR" for "Agency of Record" became a dirty word!
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