
You've Got Video?

An interesting conversational undercurrent seemed to be doing the rounds Monday at the Email Insider Summit amid the balmy groves of Captiva Island. Amid the various interchanges with various email afficianados, I found myself in a fair few un related conversations about the forthcoming resurgence of embedded video within emails.

There is clearly a consensus that with the improvements in the technology, the related lowering of production costs and the increased incidence of household broadband penetration, the market is about ready to re-visit something that has been tried in the past but with less than stellar results.

Add to this that many more consumers are viewing video online than previuously and it is interesting to ponder just how many case studies of email campaign incorporating video and research into consumer accptance we'll be reviewing at Captive next year.

1 comment about "You've Got Video?".
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  1. Eric Guerin from Adelie Studios, May 5, 2009 at 7:29 p.m.

    Email Standards Project did a great study last year on incorporating video and how it increased e-newsletter click-through ratio by 500%:

    We also tested this in reverse by not including a video (because we usually send out a different video every month). When a video IS included our study showed a 175% increase in click-through for the campaign:

    Either way adding video is how businesses will set themselves apart from their competition in the coming year and attract more attention and brand recognition for their product or service.

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