Elite Daily, Audience Partners Team To Reach Dormant Millennial Voters

Audience Partners and Elite Daily will team up in an attempt to increase Millennial voter participation with ad packages and content experiences for smartphones, targeting young voters.

In past election cycles, Millennials had the lowest turnout of all voters. The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University found that in 2014, youth voter turnout fell to its lowest level on record.

"If we can reach and turn out Millennials, the dynamics of this next election changes rapidly,” CEO of Audience Partners Jeff Dittus stated. “This mobile-centric audience is frustrated with our political system and through this partnership with Elite Daily we believe we can reach them as they consider not only who to vote for, but whether they should vote."

Nowadays, Millennials turn to their smartphones and the Internet for access to the news. About 20% of Millennials don't have cable subscriptions, although 85% own smartphones.

Audience Partners, a voter targeting and political data company, hopes to use its technology to identify Elite Daily’s Generation-Y readership by party affiliation, voting history and voting jurisdiction and customize mobile messaging when they visit Elite Daily.

The partnership will allow political advertisers to use ad templates specifically designed for smartphones.

With Audience Partners' collaboration, Elite Daily’s readers will be able to save dates of debates, town halls and Election Day to their calendars and share campaign news with friends via text, email or social media posts. Readers will also be able to download a voter registration form or early voting ballot from an ad to their phone and make a donation on their smartphone.

President of Elite Daily Miguel Burger-Calderon stated that the company plans to continue engaging Millennial readers with content from brand partners throughout the current political season.

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