Execution, Security, Costs Seen As Top IoT Challenges

Implementing Internet of Things technology and security are top concerns of IoT leaders, according to a new survey.

The majority (66%) of IoT leader say their C-suite executives support their IoT implementation plans, but there still are challenges.

The top challenges are implementing the technology (34%) and security (25%), according to the survey of 100 IoT leaders across a range of industries conducted by the organizers of IoT World 2019.

Other challenges are initial purchase (17%), scalability (10%), business buy-in (8%) and upkeep costs (3%).

Nearly half (45%) of companies say they are deploying IoT devices on dedicated networks to mitigate security risks and 46% are launching internal training systems for their workforces.

Although widespread rollouts of 5G are not expected this year, 41% of IoT leaders say they would deploy IoT devices on a 5G network if it was available, more than a third (37%) would take a wait-and-see approach and 22% do not rely on wireless networks for their IoT deployment.

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