Streaming brands on average delivered one mobile gaming-first ad for every 2.9 YouTube-first ads.
The study examines the value consumers would want in exchange for not having free access to the internet, websites and apps - with compensation for giving up the convenience averaging $37,619 - and
what it would be worth if they had to start paying for the content they now use for free. The data shows consumers would pay on average $164 per month to continue using currently free websites and
CTV is considered more necessary than social video and national broadcast TV for video advertising.
Yearly growth in U.S. digital ad spending slowed from 62% in the second quarter to 21% in the fourth quarter on tougher comparisons.
The European Programmatic Market Sizing Report, released Wednesday at DMEXCO, reveals programmatic display advertising in Europe grew 27.1% to EUR12bn ($13.94 billion) in 2017.