
Deadline - ABC

Finalist Entertainment

 To put it (very) mildly, television's Lost boasts a dedicated following of Web savvy, hardcore superfans. And the show's helmers certainly know it, as evidenced by a Web site created for the fictional airline, Ajira Airways, featured in the show. Created to coincide with Lost's fifth season, the convincing airline site is littered with clues for crafty visitors. And if they cracked the code, visitors could "book a flight" and gain special access to videos and images that provided further hints about the new season. Breaking all conventions about how to promote a TV show online - the only overt reference to ABC lies in the copyright notice slugged at the bottom of the page - the site provided Lost fans with yet another gateway to its intricate mythology, and provided ABC with 3 million hits during its first week alone.


ABC: Victoria Chew; Executive Director of Marketing; Grace Yang, Project Manager; Amanda Grant, Director, Digital Strategy and Media Deadline; Eric Kahn, Creative Director, Interactive; Matthew Hockman, Interactive Producer, Strategy.

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