Mobile Sales Up 80% On Cyber Monday

Online commerce coming from mobile devices continued to show dramatic growth after a strong showing on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Adobe reports that 18.3% of all online sales across the 2000 major retail sites it measures came from tablets or smartphones. That represents an 80% jump in mobile sales over Cyber Monday in 2012.

As we saw last week, smartphones specifically drove only a fraction of m-commerce, with tablets responsible for 12.7% of online sales and the iPad alone generating 10.1% of sales. Android tablets generated 1% of online sales yesterday. Apparently, Alaska and Hawaii are the most mobile-friendly states in the US, since both generated 26.6% of sales from devices, well above the national average for mobile share.

Overall, online sales were up 16% over last year. Cyber Monday also proved true to its name, in that 42% of sales were going to Internet-only retailers. Last week, retailers with both physical and online presence overwhelmingly dominated online sales. 

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