SpotX Adds New Data Points To In-App Video Targeting Capabilities

Video inventory management platform SpotX on Tuesday announced the addition of new mobile app data points to increase in-app video targeting capabilities.

The platform will now allow advertisers to leverage app ratings and number of downloads to aid in the determination of app quality and reputation.

“These new data points [will] allow buyers to understand what is ‘premium’ on mobile,” Allen Klosowski, SpotX’s VP of mobile & connected devices, told Real-Time Daily via email. “Advertisers can now see in real time that, [for example], an app has millions of downloads, a 5-star rating, a desired context and audience age rating."

“In the past 10 months, in-app inventory has risen from 16% to 52% of mobile inventory traded through our marketplace in the U.S.," stated Klosowski. "We expect it to overtake mobile Web in all markets by the end of the year.”

The rapid rise of in-app inventory offers publishers the chance to target specific audience segments, packaging deals across inventory in varied audience categories via private marketplace or programmatic direct deals.

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