Doug Chavez
Member since November 2004Contact Doug- VP, Global Partnerships - Retail and Last Mile, WPP
- dougchavez.com
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dougchavez
- Twitter: dougchavez
- 333 N Green Street
- Chicago Illinois
- 60621 USA
Doug leads global partnerships, focused on the Retail and Last space. at WPP. He previously lead Digital Commerce and Media teams at Geometry Global/VMLY&R Commerce (WPP) Doug has deep experience leading business at agencies, publishers, and brand marketing companies. At Del Monte Foods (DLM) he created a comprehensive consumer engagement strategy for Del Monte brands, such as Del Monte®, Contadina®, College Inn®, Meow Mix®, Kibbles ‘n Bits®, 9Lives®, Milk-Bone®, and Pup-Peroni®. He led digital marketing/ecommerce globally at Gap Inc, for Banana Republic. Doug was Director of Ad Solutions at Yahoo! leading the monetization strategy for Yahoo!’s Communications properties – Mail, Flickr, Messenger, and Groups. Before joining Yahoo!, Doug was Senior Director at Tribal DDB Worldwide, leading the McDonald’s digital media advertising business. Under Doug’s leadership, the business achieved double-digit growth and he guided the team to win a Cyber Lion at Cannes — a first for the agency — for the “Lincoln Fry” campaign. Doug has received a number of industry awards including a Cannes Cyber Lion, Yahoo!’s Big Idea Chair, an Effie, London International Award.
Articles by Doug All articles by Doug
- Amazon, NFL Partner To Stream Thursday Night Games; Adios, Twitter in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Tim Cook once opined "The Future of TV is Apps" and those words were proudly displayed on a screen behind him when he introduced the updated Apple TV back in 2015. Just a week after the fourth-generation Apple TV went on sale, Apple commanded 31% of the streaming market, well ahead of Amazon and Roku, which at that time were the leaders. Two years on, we haven't seen much new innovation from Apple TV but we have certainly seen a lot of content development, innovation and marketing and licensing leadership from Amazon.
- Times Are A-changin' For Premium Entertainment Players in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Over the past weekend, I was back in my hometown for some family events. I stayed a night with my folks. As I was pulling into the driveway, I couldn't help recall a Comcast commercial that was airing during the holidays. The spot, "Hooking up Grandma's House" is a funny and heartwarming vignette about a grandchild that tweets about entering the "gates of hell," a/k/a her grandparents' home, where there are no wi-fi and no premium channels.
- AI Assistants Battling For Your Entertainment Pleasure Or At Least A Place In Your Home in
Marketing: Entertainment on
I vividly remember the scene in Star Trek IV, The Voyage Home, when Scotty sits down at the computer and says in his thick Scottish accent "Computer, Computer," gets no response and then tries speaking into the mouse, again with no success. He finally resorts to using the keyboard and remarks how quaint it is to use the keyboard. While I laughed at the scene, I knew that one day in my lifetime we would be giving verbal instructions to computers and other devices.
- Seeing The World Through Snapchat's Lenses in
Marketing: Entertainment on
November has shown us the world through some interesting lenses. The Chicago Cubs broke their 108-year-old curse and won the World Series. This week, we elected our 45th President after a campaign season that was anything but traditional. And, as if on cue, to help people see the world in a lens more fitting their desires, Snapchat updated their iOS app with a new filter feature called "World Lenses."
- A Super Bowl Presidential Debate Audience And Twitter in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Some of you reading this will remember the 1992 presidential debates with Bill Clinton, Ross Perot, and George H.W. Bush. Many thought Perot was a bit kooky with all of his charts and some of his one-liners. Oh, how Mr. Perot makes the current presidential cycle look tame. And that is about as close as I will get to making this month's column a political missive. Instead, let's talk about TV audiences, Sunday Night Football and Twitter.
- The Story On Stories: Snapchat Vs. Instagram in
Marketing: Entertainment on
I have written previous articles about how marketers should be testing, learning and quickly iterating on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram to tell their brand stories. And recently, Mary Meeker helped drive home the point about the relevance of such social platforms in her annual Internet Trends report. As a refresher:
- One Small Step For iPhone, One Giant Leap For Mario in
Marketing: Entertainment on
Every September Apple announces big product news. This September continued that tradition with the much-anticipated iPhone7 announcement. The new iPhone7, AirPods and the updated Apple Watch, were all very cool and great steps forward for Apple. What was huge news was that Nintendo's Mario is finally coming to iOS.
- The Story On Stories: Snapchat Vs. Instagram in
Marketing: Entertainment on
I have written previous articles about how marketers should be testing, learning and quickly iterating on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram to tell their brand stories. And recently, Mary Meeker helped drive home the point about the relevance of such social platforms in her annual Internet Trends report.
- What Was Old Is New Again: Pokemon Is Back in
Marketing: Entertainment on
I never played Pokemon when I was young and never really understood what the craze was about. And while I'm not among the millions in the United States who have downloaded the Pokemon Go app, I love what Pokemon Go represents for the brand and enthusiasts. What started as a simple game from Nintendo over 20 years ago and gained a lot of followers among kids and tweens worldwide has now revived the brand with a location-based, augmented reality app. And unless you live under a rock, you will have no doubt seen the news across nearly every media outlet. Pokemon Go has made national headlines across the world in the last week.
- A Perfect Trifecta For Live-Streaming: Video, Image, Messaging in
Marketing: Entertainment on
In the past week, I've been talking with a lot of my marketer and ad-tech friends across Silicon Valley and Madison Ave. Much of the conversation starts with, "Did you see Mary Meeker's 2016 Internet Trends Report?" "What do you think?" Of course, I've seen it! My hunch is that nearly everyone reading this post has seen it, at least in some part. Meeker's annual report is akin to everyone waiting eagerly to see if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow every year. Of course, Meeker's report has much more accurate prognostications than the weather predictions of a furry rodent.
Comments by Doug All comments by Doug
- 10 Things That Make Bay Area Media Great(er)
Cory Treffiletti
(Online Spin on
Great points Cory. @Paula Lynn - we have excellent quake technology, so I'm not sweating it, per capita we have more "best" delicatessens and we can walk faster then our busses go down the nyc streets. #wewin :-)
- Video Killed The Radio Star
Doug Chavez
(Marketing: Entertainment on
Walter - it was really more about the Song lyrics vs. being a factual statement. All my articles start with some sort of song lyrics or movie quote. That said, terrestrial radio continues to surprise me with it's ability to deliver effective results. But Pandora, Spotify continue to eat audience in our ever connected world.
- Beyond Retargeting: The Power Of Predictive Targeting
Chris Sukornyk
(Programmatic Insider on
Chris - Good post. Using search is great since search terms create a database of consumer intent. Using universal profiles is also a good method to use. But the strongest and most efficient way to build audience scale and target is via social sharing. We as consumers are habituated to share and we do so at scale every day, with over 18 Billon things shared every day. Tapping into this social sharing and finding ways to do it as a brand from a 1st party perspective is how forward thinking brands are reaching their audience at the most crucial moments of purchase intent. While a shameless plug, the best platform doing this is RadiumOne. Granted there is no one silver bullet and different campaigns require different data strategies but overall nothing beats sharing signals and 1st party data. - Doug
- Developing A Real-time Strategy In The Age Of Twitter
Janet Balis
(Publishing Insider on
Janet, great thoughts and all good stuff. We are just in the early stages of Real-time marketing. Brands that truly get it will thrive in connecting with their audiences and add value to their consumers daily lives. Opportunity abounds! #awesome
- VivaKi's Tobaccowala Bugs 4As Attendees, Likens Agencies To 'Roaches'
Steve McClellan
(MediaDailyNews on
Rishad had two words. I have one #AWESOME
- Pixel Jacking Costs Brands Millions
Laurie Sullivan
(Online Media Daily on
Lets be clear here. This is a huge issue for the industry at large. We have a SWAT team here at RadiumOne on the look-out for "pixel-jacking" and shielding our customers from this problem. Pixel-jacking is a natural side effect of programatic buying - that few are addressing. Human nature is to be lazy and everyone thinks problems like this will be solved by somebody else. Everyone at RadiumOne takes a different approach and bust our butts for our clients. We are raising this issue the sake of the industry. The FACT is we are raising the issue - I have yet to see any others in our competitive set provide thought leadership to the community. John at "agency" it's great that you engage and comment but you give no answer or solution. The productive way to join the conversation is to bring some well thought out solutions to the community. You're the type of person I remember back from my agency days - show up to a meeting, eat the cookies and offer no value to the discussion. My team and I were busy driving the client's business forward and always missed the cookies. To be clear these pixel-jacking pirates can get away with what they do because many buyers (agency and vendor) don't fully understand the complex environment that exists today. Pubs, networks and exchanges need to police this - before it gets to the agency. And that is exactly what RadiumOne is doing. To say that it benefits us shows a lack of understanding of the topic. If that were the case our customer campaigns would not perform well and our 90% client retention rate would be closer to zero.
- Gen C Ready To Click And Share Mobile Offers
Steve Smith
(Mobile Marketing Daily on
Mobile is like oxygen for Gen C, their thirst for doing things on their connected devices is paramount to how they live. And the amount of sharing they do is going up and to the right with no end in sight. These are excellent findings and a clear sign that marketers need to be in mobile now testing and putting mobile to work for their brands and their audiences - clearly the audience is there en masse
- Passbook Power?: MLB.com Sees 12% Of Online Ticket Sales Opt For iPhone's Wallet
Steve Smith
(Mobile Insider on
Steve - I Love this! I talked about the power of Passbook in my Marketing:entertainment post a while back - in my post called "What's a WWDC" http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/176792/whats-a-wwdc.html
- Using The Interest Graph To Target Social Ads To Gen Y
Jon Elvekrog
(Engage:Millennials on
Jon - I totally agree with you about the differences between the "Social Graph" and better data coming from an "Interest Graph". I tend to think the best data comes from the "Share Graph" and is based on what like minded people are sharing every day in the Conversation Economy. And totally agree that the real action (value) is what people are sharing across the open web vs. social networks, since the data from closed networks isn't able to be applied to the open web, where we all spend 80% of our time. @Darrell - There are many options. The question to ask is your ad solution provider able to apply real time social data to an ad campaign throughout the entire life of a display campaign -thats really powerful stuff. (RadiumOne ShareGraph does exactly that)
- A Tale Of Two TV Networks
Doug Chavez
(Marketing: Entertainment on
@ Kelly. The amont of live coverage in the US vis NBC is fraction of what is available from the BBC on broadcast, online and via tablet, etc. Great article in the WSJ about it this week, too

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