About three quarters of U.S. consumers said it's acceptable to receive more relevant ads based on the media they consume.
In the world of politics where profit doesn't come from financial gain, going beyond the plurality is the only way to ensure success. Edith Jorge-Tunon from the Republican State Leadership Committee
helps analyze why reaching a plurality in corporate America can be considered profitable, but doesn't quite cut it in most political systems today.
Introducing a new brand can be daunting in today's ever-expanding video landscape. Ocean Media's svp, head of media, Jared Lake, talks strategy launching a brand campaign across multiple platforms,
how consumers' consumption behaviors and GRP informed the media mix and why certain channels didn't make the cut.
Retail Media Networks (RMNs) have added new inventory, targeting, sales and measurement opportunities...and headaches, to the digital ad market. Kim, who manages media buying for Mindshare CPG
clients, maps the terrain. How are the RMNs from Walmart, Target, Kroger, etc. plugging into existing infrastructures, offering new and difference metrics of success, creating new challenges for
marketing teams?
Reaching the right audiences, in the right places, at the right time, during a global pandemic can be challenging. Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) reached prospective patients through a
targeted OTT/CTV campaign that informed patients of nearby facilities available for treatment, resulting in a CPC of 60% lower than the cross-channel average.