Seventy percent of senior brand execs recently surveyed said that their creative for CTV and other digital platforms is basically the same, although there are some variations on the central campaign
The TelevisaUnivision agreement starts in Jan. 2023, and includes Nielsen Marketing Cloud and Gracenote's Advanced Discovery suite. It offers measurement and advanced planning across
TelevisaUnivision's national, digital, local and audio affiliates as well as its streaming service, ViX.
Nielsen says all its media panels have seen growth -- including its highly scrutinized national TV panel, which has grown to more than 42,000 homes and 101,000 "directly measured viewers."
Introducing a new brand can be daunting in today's ever-expanding video landscape. Ocean Media's SVP, Head of Media, Jared Lake, talks strategy of launching a brand campaign across multiple platforms,
how consumers' consumption behaviors and GRP informed the media mix, and why certain channels didn't make the cut.
Introducing a new brand can be daunting in today's ever-expanding video landscape. Ocean Media's svp, head of media, Jared Lake, talks strategy launching a brand campaign across multiple platforms,
how consumers' consumption behaviors and GRP informed the media mix and why certain channels didn't make the cut.
Nielsen One Alpha will focus on ad campaigns, not programming, and is set to fully launch in 2022. It is a deduplicated ad measurement service that accounts for age and gender information, spanning
across all screens: linear TV, connected TV, computer and mobile.
The guide aims to provide profiles and objective comparisons of the capabilities and services offered by all industry players offering cross-platform TV and video audience measurement services.
Industry folks discuss cross-platform measurement, now a hot topic along with the MRC's de-accreditation of Nielsen metrics.
As the oral care upstart SmileDirect grows its brand into new product lines and customers, the company is bringing its performance-oriented media to every screen. CMO John Sheldon explores how a
CPM-centric approach continues to perform across linear, CTV and social. Likewise, highly modular creative and leveraging shorter formats are giving SmileDirect the flexibility to grow despite the
opaque outlook for 2021 media.
"Wearables" will help Nielsen modernize its portable people meter to be used as support for the upcoming Nielsen One service, its all-encompassing cross-media measurement platform.
The Coalition for Innovative Media Measurement, a division of the Advertising Research Foundation, this morning said it is launching new research to "better understand how time is spent across every
platform available on TVs today."
The company is starting a "Pricing Intelligence Suite" showing comparison of advertising CPMs for linear and digital media.
The MRC found there is no single standard for measuring outcomes and it will instead focus on the "quality" of data used to measure them.
Steuer will develop new cross-media platform measurement -- a "currency-grade transaction-ready TV dataset" for media buyers and sellers, delivery providers and other vendors -- in the new position.
Roughly 16 different initiatives are currently underway to find the industry's Holy Grail: true cross-platform measurement.
This year is projected to be the strongest year for ecommerce, with 22% growth driven by the massive shift from offline to online.
Advertising across all media platforms is forecast to total $144.3 billion this year, says BIA Advisory Services -- a 10.6% drop from the projection of $161.3 billion that the local media analysis
company made in November 2019.
Dramatic shifts in viewing behavior and buyers' and sellers' efforts to understand them will force a reconsideration of how quickly we need cross-platform measurement tools now made possible by
highly granular, sophisticated data and measurement systems.
Pew Research projects 32 million Hispanics will be eligible to vote in 2020 -- just over 13% of all eligible U.S. voters. Noticias Telemundo has revamped its political coverage to help reach them.
It spread heavenly love across all of its social channels with thoughtful community management and a custom Daniel Radcliffe angel emoji on Twitter, where it saw over 20,000 mentions across its
With TV viewing fractionalizing through different platforms and devices, new research suggests modern TV viewers should now be segmented into six different types.
A new study from the 4As on industry measurement issues finds that unduplicated multiplatform reach, attribution and greater visibility into so-called walled gardens are the top priorities among
Advertising Research Foundation President-CEO Scott McDonald underscored importance of unified, independent, third-party measurement across each media platform.
When it comes to video advertising, TV is still king, but digital video is growing fast. According to Nielsen, digital video advertising is driving significant double-digit incremental reach,
particularly when it comes to reaching consumers age 18-49 years old. The Nielsen data showed that digital campaigns drove 16% incremental reach among consumers in this key adult demo.
A "Research Intelligencer" analysis of two Nielsen reports -- its second-quarter 2018 Total Audience Report and its its second-quarter 2012 Cross-Platform Report -- shows daily time spent viewing live
TV has fallen nearly an hour, while time spent on smartphones has grown by nearly 1.5 hours over the past six years.