The number of unique online authors discussing social media addiction increased by 12% in the past year.
There's an ironic paradox in new research released today that speaks volumes about the future of technological adoption, and especially how we research it.
In a first for Google, the social-response team will use the reply tool built on AI to help generate replies to YouTube user comments in the voice of the campaign. The iPhone and the Pixel phones have
very distinct voices.
Game consoles are down from a 26% share in 2015, TVs are up from 31% in that year, according to researcher.
Almost half of consumers said they have tried to scan a QR code they saw on TV.
The slowdown in connected video devices is largely due to slower growth of video-enabled mobile phones, according to S&P Global Market Research, which projects streaming video-enabled smart TV sets
will continue to rise over the next four years, while streaming media players and gaming consoles will see a decline.
Forty-one percent of U.S. consumers said they own a smart speaker as of the second quarter of this year.
Google has been collecting data from Android devices and sending the information to its servers, a research paper finds.
5G phones' sales are projected to leap 210%, from an estimated $108 billion this year to $337 billion.
Captioned videos are more likely to be watched on TVs and computers, as well as on mobile phones, finds a new poll.
In a finding that appears to defy conventional wisdom -- not to mention many other media research studies -- a new Nielsen report finds the amount of time the average American spent using media each
day actually declined precipitously at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
What happens when Apple users encounter that pop-up after privacy regulations take effect? On average, 47% will not allow tracking, and 67% of those age 65 and older will not allow it. Some 21% of
those age 35-45 say they're very likely to allow it, according to survey results released this week.
Pandemic-driven, at-home TV consumption went in two different directions last year. Digital video continued to see rapid gains.
Google and Facebook this week both warned that Apple's privacy changes in iOS 14 could impact data collection, as well as targeting and measurement of online ads.
Average video time now exceeds two minutes, and total digital media time was up 15%, to 7 hours, 15 minutes.
Consumer electronics giant Samsung won the social media buzz during the first 24 hours of CES, according to an analysis released today by analytics firm Talkwalker. With 7,400 mentions, Samsung
dominated the competition, placing well ahead the No. 2 and No. 3 most mentioned CES-related brands, Sony and Intel.
Social media advertising formats generated 17% more ad sales in 2020 to reach $80 billion globally, according to a Magna report.
The period from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. has become the new prime time as many Americans turn to their digital devices, computers, tablets, smartphones and connected TVs for work, school, or other activities
they would otherwise be doing out of their homes, an analysis of the first three weeks of the U.S. shutdown by Tapad finds.
Just 50% of smartphone owners said they were likely to use the new Google-Apple contact tracing app, and respondents expressed doubt that tech companies could keep data anonymous. By contrast, 57% of
smartphone users trusted public health agencies to keep the information anonymous, while 56% trusted universities to do so.
The biggest barrier to adoption is educating consumers on how they can use the technology.
Researchers at King's College, London have found that one in four teens are addicted to their smartphones, ITV reports.
Voice search and services are increasingly becoming an important part of selecting a local retailer, says Ashwin Ramesh, CEO of Synup.
Several recent studies, including some expected to be released this week, suggest consumers aren't adopting voice technology as fast as previous reports suggest.
Lazy assumptions about over 55s and mobile could see marketers miss out on a key demographic.
Mobile now accounts for 51% of UK digital spend -- and video is still rocketing too.
Worldwide shipments of PCs, tablets, mobile phones are projected to reach 2.2 billion units this year, showing essentially no growth from the previous year.
The news comes as the so-called first hack of the year -- of government employees in Australia -- has occurred.
A "Research Intelligencer" analysis of two Nielsen reports -- its second-quarter 2018 Total Audience Report and its its second-quarter 2012 Cross-Platform Report -- shows daily time spent viewing live
TV has fallen nearly an hour, while time spent on smartphones has grown by nearly 1.5 hours over the past six years.
Direct site traffic ranks highest for driving sales with a 27.4% share of sales, up 0.2% year-over-year. Adobe Analytics forecasts $3.3 billion in online sales on Thanksgiving.
A Google study has found that smartphones are like "pocket slot machines," which make their users addicted to the "trigger, action, reward" way in which many apps operate. It can leave users suffering
phantom symptoms of believing they have received a message, even though their phone has issued no alert, "The Telegraph" reports.