The satellite-based broadband service has the potential to increase the streaming audience in remote areas.
Forty-three percent of those polled said they "liked" having many TV shows to choose from, while 8% said they "disliked" having many TV shows and that the choice was "overwhelming."
More than half of adults with an internet service at home say they watch video online daily.
The slowdown in connected video devices is largely due to slower growth of video-enabled mobile phones, according to S&P Global Market Research, which projects streaming video-enabled smart TV sets
will continue to rise over the next four years, while streaming media players and gaming consoles will see a decline.
I used to think the worst thing any brand could do to a consumer was to waste their time. But now I realize it's actually holding them captive.
According to CBS' analysis of first- and third-party research, Nielsen is overstating/over-representing BBO penetration.
The disclosure follows Nielsen's decision to incorporate broadband-only homes into its universe beginning in January.
Although pay TV subscriber homes continue to decline overall, regular sports viewers watching in homes with the traditional pay TV bundle are growing.
Estimates are that U.S. broadband-only homes will rise 42% to 54 million in five years from its current level of 38 million.
Nielsen will transition to impressions-based reporting for local U.S. TV station ad buying and selling at the same time as the integration of broadband-only homes into Nielsen local TV measurement.
"Tiered plans give viewers control of their experience," sums up the author of a new study on monetizing video.
In another sign that American media consumption is returning to more normalized patterns, the rate of broadband data consumption for the average American household appears to have returned to its
recent trend line, according to a MediaPost analysis of data from OpenVault.
UBS estimates total cable and telco-based services will grow 3.6% in 2021.
Financially beleaguered media researcher Comscore this evening announced it has finalized a deal to recapitalize the company, and also secured "extended data rights" from at least one of its new
investors, cable and broadband giant Charter Communications. The other new investors -- Qurate Retail and Cerberus Capital Management -- also have valuable ecommerce and loyalty shopper data,
respectively, though those rights are not explicitly included as part of the deal.
The overall OTT churn rate has declined a bit, but hovers at about 40%.
Spurred by Zoom's removal of data limits across its platform on Thanksgiving Day, U.S. broadband usage surged vs. Thanksgiving 2019, according to estimates released today by OpenVault.
In addition, nearly 30% of all occupied U.S. homes did not subscribe to a multichannel video programming distributor service as of Q2, reports Kagan.
The Nielsen universe continues to expand, albeit modestly, with U.S. TV households rising 0.3% to 121.0 million, according to Nielsen's official 2020-21 TV season estimates. The number of persons
represented by the TV universe grew at an even more moderate rate, rising 0.1% to 307.9 million persons two years or older.
According to a study released Thursday by the Digital Citizens Alliance and technology firm NAGRA, about 9 million fixed U.S. broadband subscribers currently subscribe to at least one of 3,500 online
"storefronts" retailing Internet Protocol TV services, which enable consumers to stream and download pirated copyrighted movies and TV programming.
As of Q1 2020, more than three-quarters of U.S. broadband households were estimated to be subscribing to at least one over-the-top subscription video-on-demand service, according to an analysis of
Parks Associates trend data by Marketing Charts. Given a variety of survey-based data on consumer media behavior shifts during the pandemic, watch for that statistic to soar soon.
Households that use multiple devices at the same time are more likely to report slower connection speeds -- likely the effect of several people working from home, attending online classes or streaming
content at the same time.
Broadband data consumption by American households is accelerating, mainly due to the growth of streaming OTT media services, according to a new periodic benchmark report from broadband industry
analyst Openvault. According to its just-released Q3 2019 Broadband Industry Report, the amount of data used by the average broadband household grew more than 20% since its Q3 2018 estimates.
Pay TV service cord-cutting will nearly double in broadband-only homes in the U.S. over the next five years, according to S&P Global Market Intelligence's Kagan media research unit. By 2023, Kagan
expects cable and telco broadband to serve nearly 75% of U.S. households.
The largest cable and telephone providers in the U.S., representing about 95% of the market, acquired about 800,000 net additional broadband Internet subscribers in 1Q 2018.