"Programmers have continued to impose and enforce strict bundling requirements through exorbitant minimum penetration rates," writes DirecTV Chief Content Officer Rob Thun.
The average number of non-premium TV/video services in a "bundle" is 6.6 platforms/services. Premium video averages 6.3 services, a study by Hub Entertainment Research finds.
WBD is participating in assorted bundling partnerships and entertainment bundling. With all these deals, Zaslav believes WBD is at the forefront of where streaming is headed.
On top of whatever you are paying for TV now, that is. A few years ago that would have been unthinkable. But a new poll finds nearly half of U.S. adults would pay extra to watch the Big Game.
Analyst and former industry insider Evan Shapiro explains his just-published "Time Spent Well" analysis of the current TV/streaming marketplace, and why the "bundle" never really went away, but has
evolved into something else.
'Super bundles' have exploded, and subs offering streaming services have had the biggest positive impact on telcos' customer acquisition and retention, according to a new report.