If you guessed sponsorships, you probably also figured out that it may represent a big opportunity for people already familiar with managing and measuring the ROI of media.
A study shows about half of U.S. advertisers surveyed would not know an ad ran next to unsuitable or unsafe content until a day or more later, according to research from Advertiser Perceptions and
Moz believes its developers have created a first-of-its-kind metric that can measure brand strength and salience. The company on Monday released the measurement platform at its annual conference.
New nightmares include budget cuts, and managing consumer loyalty, attention and expectations.
The cost of social will rise the most, according to Criteo's report - The Advertiser's Guide to New and Emerging Channels in 2023.
While AVOD platforms are projected to rise 27% to $9.6 billion this year, digital TV-video has been impacted by a drastically weaker scatter TV market. MoffettNathanson is lowering overall TV
estimates for next year down 3.3% to $80.5 billion, and estimates national broadcast networks will be down 8% to $13.3 billion, with national TV cable networks 5% lower, local TV stations down 8%,
local cable dropping 15% and syndication slipping 5%.
More marketers plan to increase rather than decrease ad and marketing budgets in 2023, according to a study spanning B2C and B2B from NP Digital.
Addressable TV advertising needs better ROI measurement for the business to accelerate. A new study finds half of advertisers would increase their investment in addressable products if the business
remedied some of their concerns.
Sometimes bigger is not better, especially when making smarter use of social amplification. For its Tiny Desk Contest, a small cadre of content creators was recruited to drive views and engagement for
the NPR Music project on behalf of a major corporate sponsor. NPR's VP of Sponsorship Marketing, Lamar Johnson, explores the ROI for this use of content creators vs. paid amplification and the tactics
for sponsor integration and amplification that helped the program perform far beyond projections.
Emerging technologies such as blockchain, AI and IoT platforms -- systems of interrelated computing devices -- are gaining traction in the marketing world. But how effective are they in terms of
turning a profit?
But over half of marketers expect to use cookies as identifiers in two years, and slightly less expect to use email, a study by MMA Global and Boston Consulting Group finds.
Marketers spent more than half of their budgets on digital media channels, but expressed reservations about measuring their effectiveness.
SEO has long been recognized as one of the most impactful, highest ROI marketing channels. Search is the starting point for 68% of online experiences, and ROI of SEO can be over 12-times greater than
other types of marketing spend.
Every marketing success probably was preceded by a line of valuable failures, but we rarely share that full path to the big win. But failing fast, learning faster is itself a necessary marketing
skill. Hedy Payghambari, director of marketing and media at Papa Murphy's, shares her teachable moments and the tools and tactics she leveraged to maximize return on investment on digital channels.
The most important KPIs, or key performance indicators, used by advertisers to assess the value and effectiveness of their advertising and media aren't necessarily the ones they use most often,
according to the findings of a new report from the Association of National Advertisers.
Nearly a year into quarantine, people continue to search on Google for "things to do during" certain times, with searches for the phrase rising 300% globally year-over-year. There are early signs
that some consumers are preparing to go back out into public settings, with "makeup app," "long tops for girls," and "wedding suit" rising.
When it comes to key performance indicators used to evaluate advertising ROI, big agencies are far less performance-oriented than small agencies or their clients. That's one of the findings of the
second in a series of "Organizational Benchmark" studies published by the Advertising Research Foundation (ARF).
Dramatic shifts in viewing behavior and buyers' and sellers' efforts to understand them will force a reconsideration of how quickly we need cross-platform measurement tools now made possible by
highly granular, sophisticated data and measurement systems.
A luxury jewelry seller saw staggering results when it launched a print catalog and tested it with email.
TikTok has emerged as one of the top platforms for advertising ROI, joining leaders such as Google and Facebook, per the Singular ROI Index. Apple Search Ads also hit most of the top 12 categories and
Multi-touch attribution use is growing. But only a minority of firms have integrated it into their media mix, the MMA reports.
Instagram remains the most effective media platform in terms of generating responses to brand content, according to the latest edition of social media tracker ListenFirst's industry benchmarks
report. Content response rates are defined as the rate with which users respond by sharing, liking, commenting, retweeting or reacting to a post or tweet.
Four years ago, HP started the journey by owning its own data. "Getting through legal and procurement took a full year." Then it took on email, "and pulled that one off; now we're pulling in most of
the digital media activation: DSPs, paid social, and paid search."
Amazon continues to be improving the most in terms of perceived aggregated ROI among advertisers using major digital media platforms, according to the latest monthly tracking data from equities
researcher Pivotal Research Group. Pivotal's July data shows Amazon's net "better" score trending well into the double digits for the last six quarters, delivering a 40% improvement during the second
quarter, the most recent one tracked to date.
Amazon, Facebook and Google will account for 43% of the $129.34 billion in U.S. digital ad spend in 2019, vs. eMarketer's estimate of 68%, a recent study finds. Many marketers are looking for
alternatives to these three companies.
In what could be one of the greatest returns on advertising investment this year, Walt Disney Co. has spent $13.6 million on ads promoting this weekend's release of "Avengers: Endgame," the much
anticipated culmination of a series of blockbuster Marvel film releases. Why is that such a significant ROAI? Because some already are speculating that it could set a new opening weekend box office
record -- maybe even $1 billion in domestic and overseas receipts.
New academic research conducted by Northwestern University and Facebook has concluded that the most common methods of online advertising measurement used by advertisers and agencies may not be as
accurate as the kind of "large-scale, randomized experiments" that can only be conducted via -- pause for effect -- walled garden platforms like Facebook.
The study, "The State Of Local SEO," has been issued by SEO software company Moz.
But email is the easiest technology to implement, Ascend2 reports.
Zero-based marketing is gaining traction now that AI can monitor campaign ROI in real-time.