D2Cs need to stand out from the crowded D2C space and have begun using print and mail media as a direct response tactic. Is this channel as effective as the digital channels? How does this channel
integrate with other media. Where does it fit within the funnel? Ultimately does it help drive ROI? Mixbook's CMO, Ben De Castro, shares answers to these questions.
The risk of relapse after getting coupons by email or direct mail is greatest among smokers who stopped within one year, a study by the Georgia State University School of Public Health finds.
Nearly 18% of local media buyers say they anticipate cutting back on legacy TV, followed by newspapers with 17%, magazine media buying at 15% and radio at 14%.
Magna points to "robust growth" of 19% in keyword formats including search and retail media during first-half 2022, and forecasts retail media advertising will increase from $31 billion this year to
$42 billion in 2023. Out-of-home, another strong area, has seen 30% growth.
Top tactics for the future include organic search, chatbots, live chat, QR codes, chat apps and voice technology.
Financial-services businesses will drive the growth in local mobile advertising.
Digital media -- especially social and paid search -- dominate local advertisers' media mix, according to a Borrell survey of 2,811 local advertiser media buyers released today. Those also are the
media local advertisers say they are boosting spending for this year. Local TV advertising, both broadcast and cable TV, remain the largest average annual local ad budgets at $111,300 and $48,000,
respectively (see table at bottom).
The ad industry continues to roll out new protocols around online data and consumer privacy. LoopMe surveyed consumers to find out if they're really aware of the changes, and what they thought.
This year's increases won't be enough to wipe out 2020's losses. The ad marketplace won't grow larger than what was seen in 2019 until 2022.
Emails were sent more to Whites than to Blacks, Hispanics and Asians, Pew Research reports.
Ad spending in 2021 will be lower than 2019, when an estimated total $161 billion was spent, BIA Advisory Services says. Total U.S. local advertising this year is projected to be down 17% from 2019,
to a total $134.1 billion. BIA says it does not expect a full recovery until 2022.
A luxury jewelry seller saw staggering results when it launched a print catalog and tested it with email.
"Ask the Cloud" allowed CTOs to ask all of their questions about the cloud to The Cloud itself, thus avoiding that whole fear-of-looking-dumb thing.
It was supposed to boost traditional above-the-line channels, but AA/Warc figures show the opposite happened.
According to Liveclicker/The RelevanceGroup study of 350 US marketers, of whom 93% reported using print direct marketing, rating the effectiveness of various channels in terms of delivering revenue
and results for their business, mail is tangible, targeted, scalable and trustworthy.