Data tracking and the role that big tech companies play online is one of the greatest concerns for parents in the U.S., at 69%, vs. parents in the U.K. -- at 6%, according to data released Thursday.
The report ranks the top U.S. retailers, identifies key trends and examines why consumer sentiment about retailers has fallen, why the employee experience is as important as the customer experience,
and why Google is so important to retailers,
The ad industry continues to roll out new protocols around online data and consumer privacy. LoopMe surveyed consumers to find out if they're really aware of the changes, and what they thought.
Microsoft Bing has launched a COVID-19 Tracker website that provides details on confirmed cases as well as active cases, recoveries, and fatalities. The map is interactive and changes frequently.
Only 71% of people trust consumer brands and many trust them less than a year ago, especially 18- to 24-year-olds. When asked how their trust in brands has changed, 21% of these consumers said they
have less trust in brands. The most stable group overall, 25 to 34 years old.
About 10% of these searches include violent language or intentions, and "evil" and "racist" are the negative terms most commonly searched in connection with Jews. These types of queries spike late at
night, between the hours of 2 a.m. and 3 a.m.