The Fides network community of healthcare professionals and content creators will translate complex scientific research across various health topics into "relatable and digestive" video content for
TikTok's users.
The ability to teach students coding skills and the importance of data is crucial to the future of digital advertising. About 58% of students in a study agree that the ability to write software code
is either equally or more valuable than learning a foreign language for their future career choices.
The industry-specific B2B search engine, from MediaVillage, addresses the media industry's failure to invest in education and diversity.
Search terms related to the return to school have climbed, with mental health-related searches 4.3 times higher and social and peer interaction-related searches 2.7 times higher. Other terms related
to school also had higher-than-average searches from July 12-Aug. 12 vs. just a month or two earlier.
As cannabis-based products cross over into the wellness and OTC remedy categories, what can traditional brands learn from this emerging segment? As a leading edibles manufacturer, Wana Brands' CMO Joe
Hodas will share learnings from having to lean heavily on in-store "budtenders." How can IRL field ops work with well-distributed digital educational materials - plus a good bit of swag - to scale
marketing into a network of POS influencers?