Greg Wayne, director of research at Google DeepMind, calls the technology "a parrot on your shoulder. "It can see what you're going and talk with you about it."
Technology specialists have a clearer vision of the AI future, a study by the Open Society Foundations says.
Did AI turn search into an ask engine looking for a way to monetize advertising? "This myopia is NOT something driven by user need," Scott Jenson, former Google user interface strategist and designer,
wrote in a LinkedIn post. Google is in a "stone-cold panic" that they may get left behind.
"We've reached a tipping point where AI has shifted from a nice-to-have to a must-have for marketers," says long-time ad exec and consultant David Berkowitz. "As these technologies continue to advance
and more marketers build AI capabilities, we expect to see AI become deeply embedded in marketing processes and increasingly shape strategy and decision-making."
"Every penny we donate will go to support like-minded candidates and oppose candidates who aim to kill America's advanced technological future," says Andreessen Horowitz's Ben Horowitz.
More than half of executives in a recent survey by IDC agreed user tracking will soon become obsolete. Yet more than 40% are not familiar with targeting technologies other than advertising
By 2027, 5G will be transforming video and television transmission, local broadcast, live events and VR and metaverse adoption.
The ability to teach students coding skills and the importance of data is crucial to the future of digital advertising. About 58% of students in a study agree that the ability to write software code
is either equally or more valuable than learning a foreign language for their future career choices.
The series, as well as a new report, discuss how the next new iteration of virtual media might impact brands and media.
Characterizing the pandemic as a "lab scenario" for the media industry, Nielsen's head of product strategy said there has never been such a concentrated period of consumer adoption of new and
potentially disruptive media technologies, and that it's unclear how much of it will be sustainable and how much consumers will return to more "normal" patterns of behavior.
Nine and a half hours is all we have to give -- so what next for traditional channels as digital keeps growing?
Even as consumer time spent with media continues to expand -- inching up 0.3% last year -- the percentage of time consumers spend with ad-supported media continues to decline, according to the 2018
edition of an annual report tracking and forecasting consumer media usage. The study, which was previewed by Research Intelligencer, comes as a major industry futurist -- Publicis' Rishad Tobaccowala
predicts ad-supported media exposure is about to experience a cliff effect, declining as much as 30% over the next five years as consumers shift their attention to non-ad-supported media. The good
news is the total amount of time Americans spent consuming media rose to 70.7 hours per week last year. The bad news for Madison avenue is that the share of time spent with ad-supported media fell to
44.4%, it's lowest point ever.