The Fides network community of healthcare professionals and content creators will translate complex scientific research across various health topics into "relatable and digestive" video content for
TikTok's users.
TV spend rose from 10% share of marketing dollars in 2018 to 12% in 2022.
Internet search traffic for abortion medication rose 162% after someone leaked a draft of the Supreme Court's abortion decision in May, according to new research.
Experts are concerned that these ad-targeting options "could be used in ways that lead to negative experiences for people in underrepresented groups," says Graham Mudd, VP of marketing, ads at Meta.
GoodRx launched GoodRx Health on Thursday to provide research-based answers to vital health questions.
Marketers supporting healthcare clients must provide accurate, relevant messaging that conveys empathy, strength and positivity despite keyword restrictions. Google enforces tight restrictions for
the keywords marketers can use.
The ARF's Third Annual Privacy Study explores shifts in consumer attitudes toward digital privacy, mobile vs. PC use, and trust in experts and institutions with COVID-19-related information.
The health of the U.S. economy, followed by the health of medical professionals and "frontline" workers, are the top concerns among American adults, according to a weekly tracking study by the Ad
Council. The study, which was conducted by C + R Research, surveyed 1,000 U.S. adults and found while their concerns remain high, they appear to be moderating in the most recent week. Other top
concerns include people not taking the threat of COVID-19 seriously, and concerns about the health of friends and family.
The Stanford Healthcare Innovation lab already had launched a study intended to establish whether data from wearables, can be used to predict onset of infectious diseases.
The COVID-19 search engine will help medical professionals and researchers find data without having to build their own search back-end technology. Verizon Media has used its Vespa technology to index
more than 44,000 COVID-19-related articles by keyword, so researchers can easily find the information they need. The search engine is open to anyone.
Infiniti's 60-second spot during the NCAA season highlighted its charitable giving for cancer research.
Sparks & Honey's new report puts significant dimensions around the potential to apply so-called "precision data" toward consumer marketing, providing a framework for thinking more broadly about the
applications of precision data, including the sequencing of a consumer's DNA, to provide a wide range of products and services that go beyond medicine.
Two distinct consumer segments are emerging within the burgeoning U.S. cannabis marketplace: one predominantly using the hemp derivative CBD for medical benefits and others using cannabis mainly for
recreational reasons. That's the finding of new data published by media-planning researcher MRI as part of its recently conducted National Cannabis Study.