The Independent
"The Independent" has announced that it has received a new investment from Saudi-based Sultan Mohamed Abuljadayel. The paper says that it does not affect its independence, but would instead allow it to secure "strategic growth."
The Drum
Millennials are more likely to have their political leanings swung by social media content than papers, whereas the opposite is true of older generations, "The Drum" reports.
Print advertising revenue has plummeted 27% at Trinity Mirror, the publisher of "The Mirror" and "Sunday People." "Campaign" reports that digital revenues were up a little over 4% and reveals the newspaper group is vowing to cut costs more aggressively this year.
The Guardian
"The Guardian" reveals the BBC could be facing a new pay row, this time with its World Service staff. An internal review has shown that World Service staff are paid significantly less than reporters on the corporation's network news.
BT is promising to provide broadband at 10 Mbps to 99% of UK premises by 2020. The BBC reveals that Ofcom's figures currently show that 1.4m households cannot receive that level of speed.
A Q2 viewability report from ad verification provider Meetrics shows that banner ad viewability levels rose from 47% to 51%. However, "Campaign" points out this still puts the UK behind Austria, France and Germany, where levels are 69%, 58% and 57%, respectively.
Marketing Week
Consumer confidence has fallen to levels not recorded since the Brexit referendum. "Marketing Week" reports that GfK figures reveal a two point fall in its confidence measurement between June and July of this year.
Marketing Tech News
Consumers are engaging more with video advertising. According to research by Extreme Reach in Marketing Tech News, time spent on ads is up 19%, viewability is up 20% and there has been a 20% rise in completion rates.
The Guardian
"The Guardian" reveals that the BBC, Amazon and Netflix are bracing themselves today for the busiest day in the download calendar. The newspaper reveals that the sites typically see a surge on the first Friday in the summer holidays, just before August begins, as people prepare for vacations.
MediaCom has been awarded the $400m media planning and buying account for Richemont, the owner of luxury brands including Cartier and Montblanc. Campaign reports the accounts was previously with Publicis Media.