• Bloomberg Says Snapchat Has More Daily Users Than Twitter
    Snapchat has 150 million people using the service each day, said people familiar with the matter,ten million more than Twitter. Snapchat has been growing quickly, boosted by its popularity among young people. The app had 110 million daily users in December, said the people, who asked not to be named because they weren’t authorized to speak about the numbers. Twitter, which was founded in 2006, has less than 140 million users interacting with the service daily, according to an average of analysts’ estimates surve
  • 1 Terabyte Per Month Is New Comcast Cap
    As of June 1, Comcast  officially raised the cap on its home broadband service to allow people to download a full 1 terabyte of data of content per month (1,000 gigabytes equals a terabyte). That's a lot of content, amounting to roughly 400 hours of high-definition movie streaming.
  • For Good Measure, Tubular Labs Raises $10M
    Tubular Labs  has raised $10 million in a new funding round led by video-specialized investors Marker LLC to become the new standard for measurement of online videos, on whatever platform they have surfaced. 
  • Snapchat Revamping Its Discovery Section?
    Published reports say Discover tab’s circular icons, which feature the logos of each publisher, will be transformed into a tiled layout with images that look like magazine covers.
  • Facebook Uses AI To Stop Offensive Stuff
    Facebook’s artificial intelligence systems now report more offensive photos than humans do, marking a major milestone in the social network’s battle against abuse, the company tells me. AI could quarantine obscene content before it ever hurts the psyches of real people.
  • 'Transparent' Gets A Fourth Season
    The acclaimed drama--officially classified as a comedy--will have a fourth season, Amazon announced ahead of the premiere of its third season, which arrives this fall. 
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